What are the chances of us having an autistic child?!

Question: My husband's niece has Asperger Syndrome. Are the chances higher than average for us to have a baby with AS or autism?

Answers: My husband's niece has Asperger Syndrome. Are the chances higher than average for us to have a baby with AS or autism?

There are a few different spectrums of Autism and ASperger syndrome is one of them,it is less severe and usually occurs in females..Autism is becoming more frequent yet doctors and scientists truly dont know what the cause is but they do believe it may be genetic,and since it usually isnt diagnosed until the ages between 2 and 4,it would be highly unlikely to detect beforehand if you and your husbands child will develop it..still yet,you and your husband should see a genetic counselor and have tests run before getting pregnant to rule out any other possible genetic abnormalities...the good news though,is that even with Autism reaching its all time high,the treatments are getting better and with more success...hope this helped! good luck...

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No higher than anyone else in the general population -- I think the rate is 1 child out of ever 150 has some degree of autism.

It is believed that both parents have to carry the gene for it. It is also believed to be caused by vaccinations.

My son has this and I am also going through testing.
It is hereditary. Though if no one else in both of your family's have such things as ADD/ADHD, bi polar, depression,schizophrenia, seizures, mood disorder oh and there are a couple more sub symptoms I am supposed to look out for, you should be fine.
Though some families have no clue if a older relative has such things.
Aspergers Syndrome is autism. Wish it were a separate condition but it is not.
Who knows? You may, but this is the chance all of us take when we have kids right? That is if our baby will turn out with all there limbs, and healthy etc.

I feel every person who is considering becoming a parent needs to think what if, what would I do,how would I deal etc.

It is not easy to raise such a child, but by no means is it "hard". One gets used to the way things are. I feel us parents really get to thinking what is important and what is not. Or at least I have.

Sorry for rambling on. A quick answer is who knows?? You are more at risk but does this matter? Will this make the choice to have children different? If so, maybe being parents is not something that you should give birth to, but adopt? Even adopting is not going to insure you have a child without problems. Also you see how this condition is and how the family member deals, you may deal differently. Your child may have a different combination of symptoms....
Life is a fun ride, why worry about what could be....

Treatments what treatments? I think that person meant drugs.

It depends on what caused the autism. Genetics plays a role in many cases but not all. I belong to two autism groups and am the owner of one. I can tell you for certain that there is a statistical correlation between autism and the following: caesarean birth, premature birth, being born a twin, allergies to milk or wheat, precociousness at birth, surgery in infancy, severe illness of any kind, poisoning (and yes, this includes mercury poisoning) abuse and neglect.

Genetics plays a role in that most babies who experience the above misery do NOT develop autism. This suggests a genetic predisposition is present in those who do. Even so, anybody who endures any EXTREME shock in early infancy, is apt to develop autism regardless of genetics.

Mostly good answers on here, except Larry who said one of the factors of developing autism is abuse and neglect. This is a very common, uninformed, ignorant opinion of children with autism - that they were somehow neglected or abused as infants and this led to autism.

Do a google search on "refrigerator moms" and autism, and you will see that this has been completely, totally refuted in the medical community as a cause OR contributor to autism. Doctors used to believe it was caused by moms who were cold and unfeeling, i.e. "refrigerator moms," and that if we all just hugged our kids more no one would have autism.

Research things before you post. Sheesh.

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