Can a person with diabetes and a low thyroid use the pills?!

Question: and NOT the insulin?

Answers: and NOT the insulin?

my husband has under active thyroid and has for almost 20 years and he just recently was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes....and he takes a pill called gillisped every morning for his diabetes and still takes is regular thyroid meds as is all up to your doctor and what works best for your body...but you have to make sure that you tell him about your thyroid because that can affect how your body uses your diabetes med....he was on melofrom (sp?, sorry) but that did nothing for his blood sugar and gave him some very nasty side my best advice is to talk to your doctor about it because they are the only ones who know whether or not pills will work for you situation.

Depends on the severity of the Diabetes. Talk with your doctor you maybe able to be diet control as well as taking Metformin (pill form and it's not insulin)

dont u mean underactive thyroid? i have that and i take insulin and i have to take synthroid everyday for it.

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