Does anyone on here have lyme disease?!

Question: I have battled chronic lyme for years. The lyme tests come up positive despite treatment. I can't seem to find live person that has lyme disease, just groups they give information. I have a really tough time in the winter, I wondered if anyone knew why? Thanks!

Answers: I have battled chronic lyme for years. The lyme tests come up positive despite treatment. I can't seem to find live person that has lyme disease, just groups they give information. I have a really tough time in the winter, I wondered if anyone knew why? Thanks!

i got lyme disease in 1986. if it goes untreated for a long time pending diagnosis, you may have long term effects. you can be left with arthritic symptoms, recurring transient rashes, neurological damage. my diagnosis and treatment was 3 years after onset. fortunately, i just have some arthritis in my hands and feet. you may contact me if you wish.

If you go to, and click on "flash discussions," you will find hundreds of people who are dealing with Lyme and other tick-borne infections. It's a great community of people who have both info and insight to share. Also, most states have on-line Lyme yahoo support groups. The one for California can be found at:

For other states, substitute that state's name in the above URL, like "ArizonaLyme" "ColoradoLyme" or whatever. If you join your state's on-line support group, they can tell you if there are in-person support groups near you. Lyme is a very isolating disease--it's very important for you to talk to others who are going through similar stuff.

Other good sources of info about Lyme disease:

Regarding having a tough time in winter: For some reason, very cold weather seems to make Lyme symptoms worse. Don't know why.

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