


I know this might sound weird... but what's the whole point of circumcision? Why has it been going on for so long, and who ever even thought of removing the foreskin?

What's the procedure like? Are the babies anesthetized, and is it an actual surgery? How old are baby boys when they are circumcized? (American boys)

I guess I'm just confused on... what the whole point is...

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2 weeks ago
And when the procedure is over with, do they get stitches?

1 week ago
I'm actually just 17 and curious... it is kind of strange the the practice is so popular. That is all.


Medically there is no real reason to be circumcised, it's been perpetuated by many religious and medical experts as being "cleaner" or more sanitary.
Religously being circumcised would mean that the little boy would spend less timecleaning himself and therefor less time "touching" himself if he were so inspired. Hebrews traditionally do it though because of the origin of thier people where in the desert it was cleaner to be circumcised.

IMO, it's still done medically because it's more $$$ in the pockets of some doctors. It is also done for a condition called phimosis which is a narrowing of the prepuce or foreskin can interfere with urination and cause infection.

Babies are given a local anesthetic and it is an actual surgery although a minor one. It the US babies are typically circumcised on the 3-5 day after birth.

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