Addicted to porn and masturbating?!


Addicted to porn and masturbating?

Hi', I'am a 18 years old boy. I've been masturbating for 4-5 years now. I got addicted to porn and masturbating. The most time I'm looking and downloading porn and pictures from the internet and I have to masturbate every day. if I don't masturbate one day the next day I'm only thinking about that and porn. please help me to reduce watching pornos and masturbating. it takes me too much time, I think it's a problem i I would like to stop, at least that to reduce the porn and masturbating. I spent today 4-5 hours watching porn on the net and masturbating, and it's often like today. I could use the time better. i tried to stop watching and masturbating for a few days, but I couldn't. I only though to watch porn and masturbate. after 2-3days i couldn think about anythink else,I was absent-minded and not concentrated on other things.
Please help.


Most things in moderation is OK........ even porn....... Sounds like you have gone over the edge....... Might be time for professional counseling or SA (Sexaholics Anonymous ) check out their web site on Only you can decide if it's a problem, but if it's all consuming.... that's not good......

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