Hey speed question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Question: Hey speed question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Start your run as normal, nice and easy!.
Every 5 minutes, run faster for 30 seconds, then go back to your original speed!.
Do 3 or 4 fast bits to start off with!.
As you improve, do the fast bits every 4 minutes, the every 3!.
This will increase your metabolic rate, and you should burn the fat faster!.
I have coached runners, up tp international standard, for over 15 years!.
email me if you likeWww@Answer-Health@Com

Just like using punctuation would make your absurdly long sentence easier to understand, the use of interval training would improve your running!. Try jogging for 50 paces then walking for 50 paces and keep repeating that for at least a mile!. Each week increase the number of paces you jog/run and decreas the number of paces you walk!. i!.e!. the next week you jog 60 paces and walk 40!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You need to lose some weight!. Your body is carrying around all that extra weight, so you are becoming out of breath!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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