What happens when you don't wipe your sweat off?!

Question: What happens when you don't wipe your sweat off!?
like when you jogged for miles and you become sweaty and you don't wipe or wash off your sweat and you just let it sit there, what could happen to your skin!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

If you don't wipe your sweat off it will evaporate and cool your skin!. If there's a lot on your forehead it might trickle into your eyes and make them sting!. (Thus we have headbands!.) Your dried sweat will leave behind the dissolved ingredients; salt, pheremones, and so on!.!. Letting sweat dry on your skin won't hurt it!. Just bathe and wash away the residue as normal, and you'll be fine!. Sweat is natural as can be!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Sweat's supposed to actually flood your pores and get all of that bacteria nd' stuff out of there, so sweating is pretty good for your body!.!.!. But I suppose leaving it there wouldn't really clean anything cause it wouldn't be disposed anywhere!.!.!. thus resulting in smelly-ness!? I don't know, it's not too good but not too bad for you I guess, but simply wiping it off would do you wonders instead of leaving it there lol

But then again i'm no sweat expert lolWww@Answer-Health@Com

1!. The sweat will eventually dry
2!. You smell funny

help please!?!?

you will smell bad!. And you can get jock itch (a fungal infection) in your groin area!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Well if it's on your forehead you could get acne!.!.!. I think!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

you DIEWww@Answer-Health@Com

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