Teenage male must lose weight any help?!

Question: Teenage male must lose weight any help!?
ive been over weght since i was little and now want to lose weight during high school!. I was wondering if there are weight loss pills or dietary supplements that might help!. ive been excorcising at night and during the day 30 crunches/situps, running up and down the stairs of my house for 20 minutes and walking three miles ( 1!.5 at a time) and have lost 5 pounds over 2 months!. any suggestions on diet or weight loss drugs!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Keep on exercising!.
Eat high protein foods to develop muscles instead of fat!.
Drink between 2 to 3 liters of fluid a day!.
Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables and avoid fatty foods!.
You will be fine, don't try to take drugs to reduce your appetite and don't worry about your weight!. Most definitely do not try to make yourself vomit after meals in order to lose weight!.
How tall and heavy are you!?
Email if you need more advice!.

I saw this product called Acai Berry on Oprah the other week!.!. Looked like all the other diet scams, but I went for it and ordered a 14-day free trial from this site!.!. And guess what, it really works!! I'm so happy I've already lost weight, gotten more energy and my stomach is flatter than ever!Www@Answer-Health@Com

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