Can I start Weight Training at 13 years old?!

Question: Can I start Weight Training at 13 years old!?
I already do boxing bag drills, and I was wondering if I could start doing pull-downs and lifting dumb bells without any negative effects!.

Thanks in advanceWww@Answer-Health@Com

Basically dont do any weights, at your age just develop muscle by reguarly training and doing sports!. I did gymnastics and from 12-15 i developed healthy natural muscle just by doing it and it was practicle muscle!.

If howevre you really want to do weights, then the rule is (even for guys in their 20s) pick something that isn't too heavy (2KG - 3kg in your case) do 10 reps and repeate 3 times, this won't strain your muscle but help it along!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

of course, i do, i go all the time with my dad and he says its ok, i started at 11, im 13 now, no negative affects so far, although i think im still too young to build that much muscle, i mean it will keep u in shape, but i dont think that it would have made much of a difference, if never did!.!.!.i mean i think i would be almost the same as i am now, if i didnt weight train, and just played soccer!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

its not a good idea, 13 is a big growing period for a boy and if you start working out your body will not be able to spend as much energy on you growing as it needs for you to reach your full size!. thats why you hear people say it will stunt your growth!. just do simple thinks like staying in cardio shape by running or swimming or playing basketball!.

just stay active so when you do reach the age to work out you will be ahead of the game!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

you should wait a couple years!.You bones and joints are still growing and can be damage if you stress them to much at this point in your growth!.You should see a doctor and talk to a couple diferent trainers maybe you could start with some light weights and work up!.But ppl mature at diiferent rates so you really need to talk to some proffenals about what is specifically best for youWww@Answer-Health@Com

its ok to lift!. the only time u can see negative effects is if u injure something like a growth plate so i u lift be sure u have a trainor or a parent that can help u and if anything hurts immediately tell someoneWww@Answer-Health@Com

ive been doin since i was 11-12 n now im 14 n 5-9 soo yea but take it easy start light or ull rupture your growth platesWww@Answer-Health@Com

you can if you want to why not!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

light ones!.Don't do too heavyWww@Answer-Health@Com

yeah my school has weight lifting im in it
so i guess not
ive not had any problems Www@Answer-Health@Com

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