Weight lifting, bigger muscles?!

Question: Weight lifting, bigger muscles!?
Hey guys, I've been lifting weights since about early March!. Pretty consistently 4-5 days a week!. I lift for about 30min and go running for 30min!. I have noticed a difference in my arms, but I keep thinking that they should be bigger by now!. Since it's the first time I've dedicated this much to lifting, I want to make sure I'm not having unrealistic expectations!. Do you guys have any advice in terms of good high protein foods to eat to build more muscle!?!? Also, in the beginning, I was really gung ho about working out!. Now, when I go to work out, I get lazy about it and it seems like such a chore, yet I'm still hanging in there and not giving up!. Any good foods that can provide some high energy!?!? ThanksWww@Answer-Health@Com

I hope you're not doing arm work 4-5 times a week!.

Your muscles don't grow in the gym!. They grow when you're resting!. The gym _stimulates_ the growth!.

Lift heavy!. For arms, twice a week MAYBE 3 times!. Hit them hard, with enough weight you cannot do 9 reps!.

Then go rest and eat!.

Don't waste time in the gym!. The key is not spending hours there, its being intense!. Do your exercise HARD and get out!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

How are you!?,

Your best bet to solve your challenges is Vince del Monte!. I advice you check his blog at: http://w3t!.org/u/7ytf!. He is a roaring non steroid muscle instructor that cal help to satisfies your challenges about building muscle!.

Frequently, the supplement companies provides misinforming information to boost their sales!.

I personally benefited from his information

Have a great day,


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