Cheating Problem?!

Question: Cheating Problem!?
I recently cheated on my BF with 2 VERY well hung guys!. We had double vaginal penetration!. My BF has a very tiny dick and i can't stand ******* him anymore but i love him!. His dick just doesnt cut it!. What should i do!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

If you really can't stand F***ing him anymore, and add on the fact that you cheated on him, then you really shouldn't be together!.

You obviously LOVE sex - which is OK!. I love it too, so I can relate!. But if that's the case, then sex is an important part of relationships for you, and if you can't stand it, then the relationship is doomed!.

I know you love him, but take a step back and look at the whole picture!. Its time to break it off!.

Good luckWww@Answer-Health@Com

You are a self centered b****!
You claim to love your B/F but go out and cheat on him!? And not only do you cheat, you have some tawdry threesome!
All you are really interested in is your own sexual gratification!
If you really cared for your B/F you would have broken things off with him BEFORE you went out and had your slutty affair and sexxed it up with others!
I have NO advice for you, as you probably wouldn't follow it anyway, on the other hand, I have TONS of advice for your "B/F"!Www@Answer-Health@Com

your bf does not deserve a shallow ***** like you thats going to cheat on him again!. you may think that you wont do it again but you are!. you better be careful with double penetration and fisting because you will be so loose that your pussy lips will be draging behind you!. its sad that your relationship is on the rocks because of penis size!. your a whore!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

WOW, you don't mess around!. you must be looser than the condom on your BF's penis lol!.

Think of it this way: Would you rather have a huge guy that probably doesn't give a *** about you or a small guy who loves and cares about you!?

P!.S!. I doesn't sound like you love him!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

DOUBLE Vaginal penetration!?!?!? Jesus Christ!.!.!.
I think you should break up with him!. If you cheated on him, but you SAY you love him, you don't really mean it!.
And you're gonna probably start cheating on him again if the sex isn't good enough for you, which is mabye why you cheated on him!.
You care too much about sex in your relationship!. It's time to call it offWww@Answer-Health@Com

You make yourself sound like a shallow slut!. You're not really like that, are you!? If the sex is that important to you, maybe you should just break up with him!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

buy a huge dildo or vibrator!.

and decide which is more important!. It's OK to like big units; it's not OK to cheat!. so now, it's decision time!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Obviously the size of your BF's penis isn't the problem!. Maybe it's the valley he's falling into!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

dont wanna touch this !? with a ten foot pole, even if I did you probably wouldnt feel it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

thats pathetic!. i hope your bf finds outWww@Answer-Health@Com

Choose sex, or your boyfriend (love)!. A dildo is good too!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

use extenz lol!. I saw it on tv!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

wow ur so stupid, all u care bout is urselfWww@Answer-Health@Com

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