Is hand practise bad for health?!

Question: Is hand practise bad for health!?
Is hand practise bad for health!?
this question belong to sex!.many boys are doing hand practise and wasting there 'sperm' !.i want to ask that it dose not effect or effect!.what are the effects!?because many elders says that it is not good!.it defects on the body of person!.is it does not effect to do it daily!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Masturbation is normal and natural!.
It doesn't deplete the sperm, as the body constantly manufactures it, and one way or another it's released, either through sex, a wet dream, or masturbation!.

Recent reports state that a male who masturbates 5 times per week on average experiences fewer prostate problems and prostate cancer later in life!.

In addition, masturbation is a kind of training for sex, as you learn your body's response to sexual stimulation, and can learn the signs of an impending orgasm, to learn to slow down or stop to prolong the sex act for your partner's enjoyment in future!.

Normal masturbation is harmless and is in fact beneficial!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

While their isn't anything really wrong with masturbation, just know that over time when ever you go to have real sex, your mind is going to be expecting whatever you were watching or thinking about all those times you masturbated!. Your mind builds up a sexual tolerence when you masturbate which means that your mind will become used to whatever your watching and will continully want something new, which could make sex uninteresting to you when you go to have it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Its not that bad!.!.!.but you shouldn't become habitual of that !.!.!.
Many a times men start loving masturbating so much that they start losing fun in sex and prefer masturbation!.
You should do it only when you get too excited and not because of your habit!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

From personal experience!.

I think it's bad because after that I feel tired and I am never refreshed only if I sleep and wake up the next day!.

I also get back pain because the orgasm makes all my muscles flex strongly!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

If it was bad for the health then no one would do it, but everyone does!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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