Morning impotence, history of sexual addiction, and anorgasmia...What is it?!

Question: Morning impotence, history of sexual addiction, and anorgasmia!.!.!.What is it!?
I am having a hard time with trusting my gut, here!. My boyfriend of 5 months has been displaying some behaviors that, to me, suggest that he's been dishosest about our issues in the bedroom!.

The first time we had sex was enjoyable, but the very next time we got close-he was unable to get an erection!. I told him that it was okay, but started taking notes from then on in order to help him with the issue (because I could tell he was too embarrassed to talk about it)!. As time passed, I came to the conclusion that he was masterbating too much!. This is because he'd blame me for the impotence, he'd disappear/I couldn't find him around the house, penis sensitivity, amount of semen during sex, his inability to reach orgasm, and the 2 occasions where I found porno mags that he blamed on another guy who lives on the property!. He's 46 yrs!. old!. I am his 2nd gf and his 5th partner!. I am younger than him, and have a LOT more experience than this!. Should I trust my instinct!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

girl I would head for the hills!. he has some major issues - he is addicted to porn and that is the only thing his body responds to now!. he needs alot of therapy to correct this problem and HE has to be the one to decide to stop, not you!. why do you want to be involved with that!? he isn't your husband, I assume you don't have children with him, so find someone without all the issues!. that is my advice!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

well!.!.!. it seems like all the signs are there!. and if he knows you hate porn, and has admitted being sex addict, it makes sense that he would lie about it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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