How can i get rid of "manboobs"/ male breasts?!

Question: How can i get rid of "manboobs"/ male breasts!?
I am 16 and i'm a bit overweight!.!.!.i have read articles that around puberty, some teen males may tend to have "breasts" and are more visible if overweight!.!.!.should i just wait untill i'm done with puberty to see what i can do to minimize that or should i start right now!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

diet to reduce weight!. just eat a bit less and fewer snacks !.
exercise to develop the chest muscles so there is less sag in that area !.

Your Doctor can tell if its a condition caused by a hormone imbalance !.Www@Answer-Health@Com

The guy on top of me is WRONG!. Pull-ups/situps are not cardio!. Cardio burns the most fat!. These are just to build muscles in the ab and arm region!.

Starting right now would be the best bet!.

Do cardio exercises to help lose the fat there!. Run, jog, sprint, swim, go boating, kayaking, bike, etc!. Uphill and against rapids is even better!. In the hot season is even better, because of the sweating!.

Remember sweating helps burning fat!. Just keep doing these everyday or so!. Lifting weights and such do not help you lose the fat as much as cardio!. Keep doing this :)!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

i would do that right now!. It would be less visible and you wouldn't have to worry about it anymore!. I suggest to excercise or if your school has weight training then join it(only if you want to be muscular)!. Go swimming take your dog out for a walk, stuff like that!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

just remember that once you accumulate that fat, you can never get rid of it except for liposuction!.!.!. all you can do is work out your chest to tighten and flatten the fatWww@Answer-Health@Com

cardio 30 mins a day!.!.!.!.and do chest exercises particularly bench!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

i recommend you start exercising and eating right!.
push ups
and pull upWww@Answer-Health@Com

stop eating twinkiesWww@Answer-Health@Com

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