Why does a male penis look so ugly?!

Question: Why does a male penis look so ugly!?
thats just how humans were made^^ fun question though lol!. I understand what you mean, kinda XD well, they're all different and some appear to be doformed but oh well, not like they can do anything about it, poor them :DWww@Answer-Health@Com

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.

Looked at one way, the vagina doesn't look so great, either!.

Looked at another way, the vagina looks like an orchid, lovely!

Some people think that a circumcised penis is better looking than an intact one!. Personally I find the scars of a circumcised penis ugly, and the natural one is the way they're supposed to look!.

It's all in the eye of the beholder!. Some people in life will find you ugly, some beautiful and some don't care!.

Enjoy life, and remember to look at things from a different standpoint!. Just about everything in existence has both beauty and ugliness!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Perhaps the looks are deceiving - Not everything that looks bad is bad!. You say you enjoy sex!. Soooo that ugly thing did its part!. Because it does not look beautiful to you does not mean it does not make you feel beautiful!. Soooo Pretty is as Pretty Does!.

However your viewpoint reflects like a mirror on you!. You must have had some bad experiences in life or your tendency is to look at things negatively!. People like that can sometimes be holding thorns when they could be smelling roses!. Start smelling the roses and you will not have time for the thorns!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Now, it may be because I'm gay, but I think penises look *great* and I've thought they looked great ever since I realized I was gay when I was eight years old!

For the life of me, I can't understand what straight guys think is so great about vaginas: to me, vaginas look like a big, open wound but I also know that straight guys seem to *love* them

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