Gossipping about circumcision?!

Question: Gossipping about circumcision!?
A few short years ago, I was contemplating having a circumcision completed!. What I did not count on, was the number of MEN ( yes, men ) whom changed this into a complete lie!. This became " Alasdair said he wants to have a sex change operation"!.

If that were only true !

Anyway, how many of you have had similar stories circulate about you !? At your expense !?!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

The thing is , in America a lot of men are circumcised with the mistaken belief that it has some benefits!. It has none!. most men think they are better off without a foreskin!. they don't realise that the uncircumcised man has the better of it!. Look at what you lose when you get circumcised:


Girls actually enjoy sex more with an intact man so you are more of a man than they are!.

It is actually cleaner to be left intact too!. The smegma contains antibodies to fight infection and it also helps keep your penis from drying out: http://www!.associatedcontent!.com/article!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I've had nothing of that calibur, but I have had people attempt to use the truth to put me down!. I live in an area where circumcision was widely practiced on guys of my age group, and as such, I know no other guys who are uncircumcised!. I once confided in a friend of mine, who is circumcised, that I am uncircumcised, and he has since attempted to use that bit of private information to put me lower than himself when he talks to others!. I simply tell him and the people he's talking to that I'm a bit more man than he is, that my penis isn't chopped up like his, and that usually shuts him up!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

"If that were only true"!?!?!? This sounds like YOU WANT a sex change!.

Wanting to be circumutilated indicates a deep seated hatred of your male gender, wanting to have it cut off!.

The whole procedure is done to reduce the "maleness" of boys and men, but yet leave them usually capable of fathering children!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Well, I'm a little out-of-place in the 'Men's Health' category, so all I'll say is;
if you think you might want a 'sex change operation'(sic) at any time in the future, DON'T get circumcised!. It makes the surgery more difficult, and produces a less satisfactory result!.


Well I've never contemplated circumcision, so I can't say I've had that gossip said about me!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I wouldn't mind if people were gossiping about my circumcision, in fact I would be quite proud!. But your friends twisting the story like that is plain stupid!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

That is why you should keep your private business out of the public domain!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

im circumcised!.!.!.no big deal dudeWww@Answer-Health@Com


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