Phimosis surgery treatement?!

Question: Phimosis surgery treatement!?
I am 17 yo and i have phimosis!. I live in toronto, canada!. i went to a urologist doctor and told him about my problem!. he, of cource, said i should get circumcised, but i think that my phimosis is not so developed and that the circumcision method for dealing with phimosis should be plan B!. so i dont want to get circumcised and i told him if he can just cut the foreskin a bit so that the skin is not that tight anymore and ill be able to retract it!. When i came home and told my parents my dad wouldnt believe that there is such thing as cutting the foreskin just a bit and he thinks the doctor will just circumstance me!. Did anyone deal with his problem by doing that small cutting thing; does anyone think there is such thing, because the doctor agreed he can do it, we arranged the date for the surgery, but i sill have to make sure there is such think and the doctor will not circumstance me!. thank you so much in advanceWww@Answer-Health@Com

GO TO ANOTHER DOCTOR!!! Don't listen to that man; he doesn't know what he's talking about!.

Type in phimosis on your browser, you will see a site called CIRT!. There are alternative methods which don't involve the radical and unnecessary mutilation of circumcision!.

There is a small cut, called a "dorsal slit" also called "mandarin cut" which can allow for retraction of the foreskin!.

Also contact Doctors Opposing Circumcision, DOC They have a list of foreskin-friendly doctors who don't believe in male genital mutilation and can help you!.

Contact NOCIRC and they will also have information!.

Circumcision will destroy more than 50% of your sexual sensitivity and is irreversable!. Don't let them mutilate you!.

That doctor is a quack!!!
Would you cure a hangnail by amputating a finger!?

Don't let them ruin your sex life; they ruined mine!.

Good luck, stay whole, and don't listen to doctors who try to promote male genital mutilation!Www@Answer-Health@Com

You can stretch it as much as you want and the results will be minimal!.
The cut that you are talking about is called a dorsal slit!. It generally looks very untidy and this is why your doctor is recommending a circumcision!.
Circumcision is not as painful as the critics make it out to be and is in fact much more beneficial!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Have you really tried pulling back on the foreskin to stretch it!? Did you put olive oil in and pull back!? Did you rub a little benedryl cream on it and pull back!? Did you do these every day!? in the shower with warm and /or cold water on it!?
I have not had a phimosis case that we were not able to solve by stretching!. Postpone your surgery and give these methods a try!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yeah, something like that came up when I went to the doctor for the same condition- it's called preputioplasty, and it usually works pretty well in all but the worst cases!. I've also read there's another procedure called a dorsal slit, which is effectively a semi-circumcision, where the entire foreskin is left at the bottom of the penis!. It sounds weird, the pictures look weird, so make sure your doctor doesn't do that one!.

And from what I've heard, a preputioplasty is less painful, and definitely less invasive than a full circumcision!.

If you want to read more about it, click on the link below for Wikipedia!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

agreed, the method you want is preputioplasty!. Two thoughts- first, have you tried stretching exercise and steroid cream!? Those can produce non-surgical results that are VERY good!. Also much cheaper!. They do take more time to work, but if you figuire that surgery takes a few weeks to recover from, the end up being about the same I suppose!.

Second- are you getting local or general anesthesia!? Make sure you read ALL documents you sign here carefully, maybe bring a witness and make him verbally agree to the preputioplasty before the procedure in the prescence of said witness!. If you can watch, do so!. I wouldn't trust a doctor who's first thought was to circumcise to keep his word and do the more minor procedure instead!. Seriously, there are cases where patients thought they were getting one surgery only to have the surgeon "suprise" them with a circumcision instead!. At least if you have it in writing and a witness (one NOT employed by the doctor) you can sue if he tricks you!. -NebWww@Answer-Health@Com

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