10 points for honest answer. Is this a turn off?!

Question: 10 points for honest answer!. Is this a turn off!?
Okay, I am almost 23 years old!. I have Master's Degree!. I have a good job!. I have no debts!. I am a nice and kind person!. I am attractive and have nice body!. I am very independent and sturbborn!. I am very ambitious and hard working!. I have done everything on my own since I was very young!. I don't need men's help to survive, but I want male companionship!. I have been in love, but no serious boyfriends!. I hardly go out on a date!. I am a virgin and will not have sex before marriage!.

Sorry, English is my second language!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I think its great you are holding off before having sex!. I also think you have your stuff together!. Just as you women, men have different tastes in what they like in a woman!. I can tell you personally I like a woman that has intelligence and can if needed stand on her own but, that can also turn into the needy sl*t in bed!. Most men look for the woman that can go to the office during the day and be classy in town but, as soon as they get back home she becomes a sex machine and then can go back to being classy!. I know that is what I love about my wife!. The best thing to do is BE YOU, you'll find the perfect one for you that way!. Being a guy I played the game and acted like someone I wasn't!. It almost caused me to lose a chance to be with the greatest person for me, my wife!. I'd like to talk about the holding off for sex after marriage thing a little more!. If you are holding off for you that's fine but, If you are doing it because you were told that is the thing to do, you may end up being disappointed when you finally have sex because you may subconsciously put pressure on yourself to perform and you may expect more from him!. So if you want I'd say play around and test drive it first, even if it's only oral or other methods shy of intercourse!. But!. not to get off the subject I DONT SEE YOU AS A TURN OFF!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Why would you think that would be a turn off!? You sound like you have your head on your shoulders where it belongs and you know what you are looking for in life!. When the right person comes along you will know it!. As for being a virgin, great, wish my daughters would have had the same ideals as you, Don't have any thing against them !.love them and my grandchildren with all my heart!. But I do (61 year old father and Man) still believe in the old ways and saving your self as you want!. Good luck and god bless sounds to me you will go a long ways in life!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I'm a gay man, so I don't know if this counts but!.!.!. I think you sound great!. Some men will find you a threat because you probably make more money or you are career-driven!. And some men expect to have sex right away!. But can you find a man who loves you for who you are!? Yes you can! It's never easy, but usually worth it!.

Good luck to you!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Well the only part I find to be a turn off is the stubborn part!.
I find that if either part of a relationship is excessively stubborn, it is not an equal relationship!. I would not feel as if my being in the relationship didn't matter to you!.

Other than that you sound great!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

the fact that ur an ambitious and independent girl isnt a turn off at all!. the fact that u dont go out on dates much is a turn off!. the way u say male companionship makes it sound like u dont really want to be in love with someone which is a turn offWww@Answer-Health@Com

We most people in america aren't a virgin at age 23!. most people lose it at 13-16ish maybe 17 or 18!. Most men are jsut looking for sex in a women!. ik from my own experience!. but once i get sex!. then yes i want a companionship too!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Its not a turn of!. you seem hot and smart!. but you gotta find the right guy that likes you as who you are!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

i dont think thats a turn-off, atleast thats my opinion!. and u said english is ur second language!?!.!. whatever the other language is!.!. thats also a huge major turn-on!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Concentrate on activities!. Join clubs see friends!. You will meet someone that matches you!. Don't worry!. Lots of time Hope!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I think the right guy will appreciate your standards!. From what you have said, there is nothing to be turned off by!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

sounds good to me!.!.some guys may think being independent is a turn off but lots of guys like strong women like thatWww@Answer-Health@Com

I don't find that a turn off!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

That make you better!. I belive the same thing!. Good luck!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

NO!. Not at allWww@Answer-Health@Com

You're the most perfect woman I've heard of!.
If I were 23, I'll propose to you right now!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

if your hot, nothings a turn offWww@Answer-Health@Com

yea sureWww@Answer-Health@Com


hell no that sounds like a good woman to meWww@Answer-Health@Com

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