How can i stop my dad from drinking, ive tried everything in the book plz help g!

Question: How can i stop my dad from drinking, ive tried everything in the book plz help guys!!?
help with alchool, trying to make some1 quit alchoolWww@Answer-Health@Com

If your dad has a problem with alcohol then the whole family has a problem, you need help in order to cope with this!.
There is an organization called Alanon for the families of people with alcohol problems!. The telephone number can be found together with the emergency numbers just inside the front cover of your telephine directory or directory enquiries!. You are not on your own there are other people who are in the same position!.
You cannot stop your dad from drinking he has to come to this decision on his own but you can get advise on what to do!.
You need help and support for yourself this is not your fault!.
Please call Alanon because there is a way to help him!. good luck!. PS I quit 22 years ago so it can be done!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Behavior modification is hard!. Drinking is a learned behavior!. There are addiction issues,but also it is a learned behavior!. The feeling that alcohol or any other substance gives is addictive!. But, there are times ;when the individual is not under its influence; that can be used to change!. Can things can be unlearned!? No, but other things can take their place and dull the memory!.
This is the safest way to quit any behavior!. Starts with habits associated with the undesired behavior!. Smoking ,playing poker with friends, going to favorite bars, these are all kinds of associated behavior!. That is why it is hard to stop!. A change of location, friends and other associated behavior can go a long way to changing the lifeway of an individual!. Showing someone a better way does not always change behavior!. Often, only pain will do it!. Charile Sheen said that only getting to the point of going to jail really made him go to rehab!. Honestly, that may be the only thing that can motivate some people!. The best way though is still to point to other peoples mistakes and learn from them!. You don't have to burn your hand to know the stove is hot!. Tell your dad the stove is hot!. It can be the short way to changing!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

YOU can't stop him from drinking!. HE has to make that decision on his own!.What you can do is make a video library of his actions when he is drunk or if you don't have a video camera then write a journal of the things he does when he is drunk!. When he is sober go over these things with him and let him know that it hurts you to see him like this!. Also let him know the harm he is doing to his body!. I know you love him but you must not believe that you can make him quit!. Only he can make that decision!. I hope it works out!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

The one thing you can do is threaten to leave home if he doesn't try to stop or the other way round, he has to leave if he doesn't try to stop!. The idea here is to see if he finds any value in having you around!. Sometimes we have to be cruel to be kind!. Heavy drinkers are very selfish people - they don't care about others as long as they have what they need and that's a fact!. The other kind of heavy drinker is quiet and tolerant and don't get aggravated and violent - just toddles of to a quiet place to lie down and pass out!. Think of yourself in your situation and make the decision to either leave home or kick your dad out - maybe that'll make him sit up and take notice!. Good luck!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Sadly, I don't think you can stop him, but you CAN go to ALA-TEEN, a support group that helps teens deal with a parent who is an alcoholic, and how to survive in that household!.

You will also meet other teens who are going through the same thing!. Surprisingly, just knowing that you are not the only one going through it, is somehow comforting!. You will likely have a mentor, someone you can call when you are in a dark time period with your father!.

There is an adult support group called "Adult children of alcoholics," so support can go on indefinitely!. May God help you through these troublesome, hard years!.
Love, Jade WindWww@Answer-Health@Com

alcohol is a drug and statistical more harmful to both society and the individual than heroine or cocaine!. I don't take any drugs including alcohol but I don't judge those that do (but not in my home)!.

Most people can take a drug and not be harmed while others become addicted (predisposition at a bio-chemical level most likely)!. Your father is addicted to alcohol so it's not simply a question of him wanting to stop!.!.!.he can't stop unless he is helped!.

Do you have other family members that can help you convince him to see a specialist!? Do you have a minister or priest!?

This will not be easy for him or you but the first step is to make him understand that you love him and need him and convince him to seek help!.

Good luck guy!. I really mean it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Pingpong, if your dad doesn't see for himself he needs to stop, then there is nothing you can do to make him!. All you can do is take care of your own emotional needs!. There are organisations such as Alateen which are specifically for teens who have an adult relative with a drink problem!.

I'm sorry your dad has this problem, but he's an adult and must make up his own mind!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

i have never been faced with this problem, but i have a reasonable idea!. try making his dinks!. start with 7/8 of it beer, and 1/8 of it water!. a week later, do 3/4 beer and 1/4 water!. gradully lower amount of beer!. u can also use stuff beside water!. i hope that i help u!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

record him on camera all drunken binge long and replay it for him sober!. He will see how beligerant and foolish he looks, and how unproductive he is!. It may help!. Try to start doing activities with him he likes, board games, building models, bike riding, etc to preoccupy him!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

i hate to admit it but the guys are right!.i,ve got the same problem with someone!.
all the do gooders seem to want to get you into some church or other!.
i dont know how old you are but you must lead your own life dont let anyone else drag you down with them!.
good luck!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

My dads a total alcoholic!. I'm talking about 10 pints of beer a night!. With wine as well!.
We've all tried talking to him about it, but he doesn't listen!.
All I can say is, it isn't my fault, and when he's dying of liver disease, I'll just be thinking "I told you so"!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

i no someone in my family has that same problem i have hid the beer from them but they go out and buy more i think it is just as sickening as smoking but drinking makes people get more aggresive and they are not responsibleWww@Answer-Health@Com

The short answer to that is you cant, you can beg, plead, play the health card!., threaten, nothing will do it, he has to decide to do it for himself!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You cant!. He has to decide to do it for himself, and not for any other reason!. it is only his decision to make the first move!. Once he does you can support him!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

if he has been drinking for years that is hard to do,he has to have the will power to stop himself if not you are fighting a losing battle!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

same with me cept my dad was abusive so we just left him and now he can do as he pleases as long as were not part of it!. some people you cant change!. just forget about him and when he has his big beer belly and dies thats his fault!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You can't help him!. You can help yourself by attending Alanon or Alateen!. He might be able to help himself if he would try AA!.

Good luck and remember: it's not your fault!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

you cant he will only stop IF he wants to!.!.!.has he said he wants to!?!.!.!.!.!.
try to shame him take a film when hes drunk!.!.
tell him what hes missing out on!.!.!.
FIND OUT WHY HE DRINKS!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You can't and that's a fact!. The person who is drinking has to want to do it for themselves!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

just pray for him and dont get bored of praying and jesus will take care of thatWww@Answer-Health@Com

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