Proper posture questions, how do you stand correctly?!

Question: Proper posture questions, how do you stand correctly!?
Pictures would help steps and such, im trying to stand up straight but it looks weird when i try and im sightly hunched when im standing normally so can someone help me!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

First please remember that the curve of your neck and the curve of your lower back are natural and should not be forced to curve more or less then they naturally do!.
Starting from the top!. Feel the crown of your head, that kinda flat part towards the rear of your scalp, now at the front of the crown pretend someone has a string attached and is pulling up slightly!. Your body will straighten up as you do this!. Keep your chin down, not forced, Pretend your sternum wants to pint upwards (like cheat out but not much)!. Keep you shoulders down and relaxed and slightly back!. Your shoulder blades are relaxed and down!. Your lower back is relaxed and curved!. Your butt is pulled in kinda tight, not real hard, this will cause your pelvis to tilt forward, that is good!. Your stomach is tight, not holding your breath tight but pulled in!. Your thighs are relaxed and legs straight but not stiff, Your knees are very slightly flexed!. Your feet are hip to shoulder width apart and well planted on the ground and your toes are pointed out!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Well the best way to help your posture it to throw your shoulders back and your chest out towards the front!. It will feel weird for awhile but after you do it the body will get used to it and the muscles will do it automatically!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

well, be sure to keep your back straight, head up!. im not sure what else, but i do know i slouch too :(Www@Answer-Health@Com

you may hav scolliosis (kant spell) skull*e*o*sis it kan be serious so go to doctor!. i hav it and im 14Www@Answer-Health@Com

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