My boyfriend is peeing blood, but has no other symptoms?!

Question: My boyfriend is peeing blood, but has no other symptoms!?
it started maybe 2-3 days ago and it doesn't happen every time he pees!. it's not pure, liquidy blood either, it's more like a phlegm-y looking blood clot like when you get a bloody nose (but there's lots of clear congealed stuff too--like phlegm)!. he also said he's masturbated and there was a little bit of blood in his semen!. it doesn't hurt or sting, he doesn't have a UTI (or at least he has no other symptoms of one) and like i said, it doesn't happen every time he pees!.

also the past two nights when he's woken up there's been tiny little spots of dried blood on the inside of his boxers!.

please help! we're trying to put off going to a doctor unless it's life-threatening because we're poor college students and have no health insurance!

anyone!? advice!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

He might have damaged a vein during sex!.That will heal by itself:wait two more days,is it gone!?OK
If not:you have to see a Dr!.
Aren't there free clinics!?

He may have prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate), a kidney stone, a bladder infection or a kidney infection!.

None of which are pleasant!. Does your school have an infirmary where he could get checked out!? Does your city have a clinic where poor people can go for medical assistance!?

This needs to be checked!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I'm not a Doctor but used to be an army medic!. Peeing blood is a sign that something is wrong!. Leaving it is not an answer!.

He needs to see a Doctor and get some tests done!. I know health insurance is an issue, but how much is his health worth to you!?

Go see a Doctor asap, please!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Here is some advice!.!.!.!.!.GET TO THE DOCTOR!!!!!

Get checked out!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

If you wait for other symptoms it may be too late!. Go to the doctor!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

possible a kidney infection!.!.go to the doctorWww@Answer-Health@Com

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