When after quitting smoking does..?!

Question: When after quitting smoking does!.!.!?
I recently quit smoking cold turkey, I was a smoker for about 5 years!. I quit because it was preventing recent internal surgury from healing!. Its been almost exactly 4 days sense i quit, Im still craving it ALOT!. When do the cravings and coughing subside!?

I was smoking about 12 cigarettes a day, an i also smoked marijuana about 2 or 3 times a day for 5 years!. I dont crave smoking pot, I just did it to relax, cigarettes on the other hand i cant stop thinking about!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Good job man!
It's different for everyone but you should loose the craving in a day or two, 8-10 days at most!. I quit cold turkey after pack a day for twenty years and my craving went away in about 3 days!. I still had jitters for a couple of weeks and was ill tempered for a couple of months!.
Take deep breaths often and the cough will go away pretty quickly!. The cough may be left over from surgery!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

yea you at the HEIGHT and these cravings should stop QUICKLY after tomorrow!.

4-5 days are the strongest PHYSICAL Cravings! after that its all mental!. like if you smoke with your friends at the table outside while having beers, try and avoid that situation!.

i went from a pack a day for 3 years to quiting and have 2-3 smokes a week when i drink!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

This is one of the things I rarely say!. You need a Benzodiazepine so you wont be so jittery and it will calm you down!. Librium would be the best for that!. I think getting the smoking patches, the last step would help for the time being and stop them!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I've been quit for 9 weeks and I still have cravings, especially when I smell smoke or when someone talks about it!. The coughing takes about a week to stop!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

nicotine patches might help!. lower and lower doses each timeWww@Answer-Health@Com

so what is your question!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

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