I like nudism and exhibiting my nudism to other guys. is it good?!

Question: i love to be naked it front of unknown guys who are matured. i really like it to be naked in public gents toilets. is it good or bad?

Answers: i love to be naked it front of unknown guys who are matured. i really like it to be naked in public gents toilets. is it good or bad?

i no exactly how you feel.
once when walkin home from school i decided to walk through the woods.

i got to the woods and took off all of my clothes put them in my bag, and carried on walkin.

i have a 2 inch penis, and i love to get it out. it arouses me.
i also like to go to the swimming changing rooms, get completely naked, and watch all the other men shower. so i can get an erection.

im serious, if you really like to do this, then get back to me.

you can go to the public park and show yourself naked

Yuck !!! are u ?????

You may be gay.

bad, 0dont do anthing stupid

Not wise.

Seriously, what do you think the answer to that will be?

If you want to get done for unacceptable behaviour and indecent exposure, then go ahead.

Its a very BAD SIGN! You need help.. Do contact a evangalist.

Dont do it Public will call u mad.

bad-not done in controlled environment-you going to get hurt

me thinks youre gay

you are heading for the loony bin. Why don't you strip naked in you neighbor hood and walk around. See what happens. What you are doing will entice some men to rape and then kill you. People can't be trusted. You need some help. And fast. It's gone to far already!!!!!

Your a weirdo dude!
Keep you nuts in your pants!!!!!

sounds like public scandal exhibitionist to me

Keep it up :D If they're fully grown men who cares, just keep it away from kids.

You need to see,someone who can help you to come out from this,its not good to do like this,otherwise people will say that you are a GAY...

Nudism is not the same as exhibitionism. The former isn't about your willy, but about enjoying the freedom of not wearing clothes. The latter is about sexual thrills more than anything.

I say whatever floats your boat and doesn't hurt other's is kewl with me!

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