For body builders and other people who work out.....?!

Question: how many times should I work out a particular muscle a week to make them bigger and stronger? For example, I work out my biceps like once every 2 days, is that good or what?

Answers: how many times should I work out a particular muscle a week to make them bigger and stronger? For example, I work out my biceps like once every 2 days, is that good or what?

yeah thats good. but work out all your body instead of just one part. like when your at the gym work out on 2 parts, like biceps and chest. and then the next day legs and abs. and then the next your back and shoulders. do 2 a day cause you give those parts more muscle and strength then if you did all at once cause then youllbe working up your whole bodt really slowly..

UPDATE!!!: dont work out every day, your suppose to work out 4 days a week. work out ever other day

UPDATE!!!: if your getting sore, its just acid from your muscles. you can ether drink a lot of water, or keep on working out on the sore part to make it feel better or go a way. (got that from my science teacher who is also a doctor something i forget. smart as hel though).

ya thats perfect, give your muscles 48 hours to recover every time.

Give it 3 days to recover.

Do one day of all legs, the next day work your chest and back, and then the next do your shoulders and arms. Do this in any order. Let me add that your biceps are worthless. Only good for the ladies =)

ARE YOU PEOPLE KIDDING ME? Don't listen to those other guys. It takes about a week for muscles to heal, and thats if your getting enough protein, rest, and eating enough calories to build muscle. Find a good routine too....go to to find through the forum lots of great routines and your research and be constant. good luck

Personally I work out each muscle a day
Like work your arms Monday
Legs Tuesday
Abs/ torso Wed
Back Friday

But working out once every two days is good then when your body is use to the workout you can go everyday but not on weekends well i dont cause i go out.

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