How long do you work out?!

Question: how many minutes a day? and how many push ups should i do. I don't have all the fancy lifting equipment.

Answers: how many minutes a day? and how many push ups should i do. I don't have all the fancy lifting equipment.

Well if your not currently working out as now, make sure to do plenty of stretching..
Start off tomorrow or in the next few days and condition your body b4 you start trying to do any lifting or push ups, anything and everything
Morning. noon and night just do as many different stretches that you know.. kneck, arm, torso, hips, legs, ect...
and just for a few days to those to help loosen your body and to help your body convert excess fat into muscle.. you have to get your body tamed and on track to give it a reason to grow
after 3-4 days of doing that sorta of stuff, do some lgiht joggin or power walking over a period of days and make sure to incorporate your stretches in with the walks/jogs.. like say if you jogged 15 min, and you got like another 15 min.. in between to random leg stretches and such...
after about a week of getting your body ready then start working out.. you dont even have to do much.. just make sure to start slow and build gradually!
maybe n the mornings after STRETCHING you could do your sit ups.. then around afternoon time throw in like 30-50 push ups and then that night b4 bed do situps/crunches and like 30 plus more push ups! if you keep it at a small amount you can do thsi daily for several weeks, but when u start to really increase it.. just do it every other day!
over working yourself can put u in worse shape

Depends on what you wanna get stronger.

i work out in the gym downstairs like twice a week

well sometimes i do it for like an hour i run for half and hour and then the other half i lift weights and work on my cardio which is jump rope and i do 50 pushups a night, try to squat as much as u can so u can get your muscles stronger!!

i do wieght tranining, so I only workout for 30min to an hour, but I am lifting as much as i can and doing low reps, about 6-12 reps per set, and 3 sets per exersise.

There is no right number of push-ups. Depending on how strong you want to get depends on how many you want to do. If you want to get stronger, push yourself until you feel the burn. Take a one minute rest and then try to do the same number and then one more time. Take a day to let your muscles recover. Then do it all over again. Eventually you'll notice you can do more reps before you hit the burn. Probably every week to two weeks you should push yourself to upgrade.
Also not having equipment doesn't just limit you to push-ups. Check out chin-ups, pull-ups, squats and crunches. There's a lot of things you can do just using the weight of your body.

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