This has got to be bad for a person...?!

Question: My boyfriend literitly wont eat anything unless it has so much tabasco on it his nose is running and his eyes are watering. Is this bad for you? I mean he seriously goes thew an entire bottle in 2 weeks (the big bottles not the small ones)

Answers: My boyfriend literitly wont eat anything unless it has so much tabasco on it his nose is running and his eyes are watering. Is this bad for you? I mean he seriously goes thew an entire bottle in 2 weeks (the big bottles not the small ones)

Actually, chili and tabasco are not bad for you. Providing you don't have an ulcer. Even then it will only aggravate it.
Spicy food does not cause ulcers, it is an old wives tail.

Actually there is alot of evidence that chili is good for you.
It contains massive amounts of vitamin c. Chillies are also thought to trigger the release of 'feel good' endorphins which lift the spirits. They are also low in sodium, and rich in potassium, vitamin A and fiber. hey contain compounds that many are believed to fight against heart disease, cancer and cataracts.

So don't worry, he's doing himself more good than harm.

Omg yes that much of one food / sauce has to be bad :S and sauces like that have so much sugar / salt in them.. ewww. And especially with syptoms like that its oviously affecting him.

that's probably not too good for his stomach, if nothing else...

ummm. wow. yep thats bad maybr you should put water in his tabasco sauce bottle?? pour out tabasco. put in water with red dye.

I would be primarily concerned about the tobasco burning the lining of the digestive tract or leading to a spice-induced gastric or digestive ulcer of some form. Plus, it sounds like your boyfriend's sinuses get messed up by this tobasco use or abuse. Hate to be the bearer of bad tidings, but it sounds as if the fellow has a serious psychological problem involving an unhealthy addiction and possibly a form of self-abuse or self-humiliation. Your boyfriend needs professional help; and I hope you will be supportive and encourage him to get the help he needs. All of what you describe is really bad for any individual health-wise, really bad and definitely in no sense good. No need to dwell on the route of your boyfriend's problem, if it is related to some abuse he experienced while at home or some other trauma, the licensed psychologist or therapist he should see will get to the bottom of all of that.

yea! my one friend used to add SOOOOO much hot sauce to his food that it like burned his sinuses so now he cant really taste anything. he has to add a crap load of spices and hot sauce to it to get some kind of it has a crap load of salt in it and too much of it isnt good for you

Too much salt in the sauce. The heat is good for your metabolism but in long term use will give your stomach an ulcer

Tabasco is harmless, unless maybe he's on a salt-restricted diet or something like that.

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