Getting kicked...?!

Question: I heard that when a guy gets kicked in the crotch, his heart rate spikes to like over 180 BPM. True?

Answers: I heard that when a guy gets kicked in the crotch, his heart rate spikes to like over 180 BPM. True?

Who do you think has done tests on this subject ? Would you go and stand in front of someone just so that they can kick you in the crotch and then measure your heart rate ?

Having said that : I don't think there is a NUMBER attached to this experience, but acute PAIN can cause a marked increase in heart rate in anyone.

I have never seen it spike more than 40 beats per minute more than what it was before the pain stimulus was applied, but I suppose it is possible.
( I am an anaesthetist, therefore I spend a lot of time monitoring patients who are asleep, and the pain stimulus caused by the surgeon cutting usually causes a rapid rise in heartrate. Usually this stimulus is dulled by painkillers that are already in the patient's bloodstream, but not always).

I don't really care if my heart goes upto 1000000BPM, IT IS JUST SO PAINFUL!

i dont no about that but it can effect firtility

No, I've been kicked in the balls a few times and besides the intense pain, my heartbeat didn't go up that much....

im guessing..why do u think in football they wear protection duh..cuz it would hurt...and thats probably true that their heartbeat goes up becuz think of it like this

if you were cutting veggies and the knife slipped cutting your finger you might jump back in surprise and be all *gasp* and then because ur scared or nervous or sumthin like you dont know how deep the cut is or anything so i would get nervous and my heartbeat would go up.

Likle the same for them if you kick really hard probably it hurts and surprises them if you do it off guard so their heartbeat.

Nah thats bullshit. Where did you hear that? There have been cases where men have died from being kicked in the balls. The cause of death was neurogenic shock and in most cases it was women doing the kicking. How sick! Guys should just wear cups whenever they're around a woman. I know how sick and twisted they are about this ****.

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