Is it weird for a 12 year old?!

Question: To masturbate like once a day or maybe like twice a day maybe?
Because im 12 and i was wondering is its bad or weird for a 12 year old to masturbate? And ifs its not.. then wheres a good place to masturbate at?

Answers: To masturbate like once a day or maybe like twice a day maybe?
Because im 12 and i was wondering is its bad or weird for a 12 year old to masturbate? And ifs its not.. then wheres a good place to masturbate at?

heck yea its totally normal. i do it like 3 times at least. im 16 and im always gettin hard. i didnt do it that much when i was 12 but i still did it alot. i do it alot in my bed or if im at the computer and no one is around i try to look at "good"stuff. but i like doin it outside to or like in public bathroomms. dont know why but it gets me its gotta be warm to. its to cold now tho. so just do it. it feels good rite?

u have to be 13 to use this site dude,
no its not weird

lol idk google good places

its not weird at all. a good place to masturbate? anywhere where people won't see you. idk what you really mean by that

Ryan get off the computer, I'm telling mom!!!

no its not wierd cause your goin throug puberty n a good place would be in tour bathroom


No, it is completely normal.

I think it is abit wierd yeah...

But im not a maybe its normal for all males...

wierd though even if it is normal

ummm i think so, i mean sure your hormones are prolly raging about and whatever but have a little self control your TWELVE!!! you're a just a little bit concerned for you :S

I'd think that would be normal.

Oh dude Ryan. It's me, John! I have an account too. Your sick.. I'm telling everyone at school!

Its perfectly natural, at 12 your hormones are crazy! And for a good place to masturbate at, uhh somewhere private haha

No, it's totally normal. Relax.
Try your bed, or the bath tub.

its not bad at all or wierd for a 12 year old to do it.
you might want to lessen the amount of times you do it though.try once a day.i masturbate in my bathroom before i shower(im 13)

nope perfectly natural =) enjoy lol

No its not weird at all it's normal

Ryan, listen... I was the kid that went through puberty at a very young age. I masturbated since I was 10. I now am a pro and maybe one day you can aspire to be just like me.

no its normal im 13 and i masturbate quite a bit it feels so good and its better then going out and having sex at are age.

No its fine

no its not wierd infact its good to mastabate regually

It is really normal. I started when I was 13.

As for the places...
*Bathroom, pretend to be taking a bath and get off on the ground
*Your bedroom

If no one is home
*Buy Porn OnDemand on TV - Do it where tv is
*Get Porn for free on Computer - Then Do it on Comp

Since normalcy is determined by popularity, I'd probably say its normal.But whats more important is that is it healthy. U might want to know that it probably isn't healthy for your mind because you might get addicted to sex. Plus i think premature ejaculation may be a side effect. And that's a big deal.

no, it is not weird. it is normal. it is safe and healthy for a guy to masturbate. the shower and your bed room is the 2 best places to masturbate. if you need someone helpful to talk to, instant message me. i will help if i can. i am sending you an instant message. good luck.

im 12 and i mastubate more than 3 times a day

masturbation at 12 or 21 or even much olde ris perfectly normal. It is a way to enjoy and learn about yoru penis plus it does tend to have some healthy benefits.
so, whether you do it once a day or a few tiems a week matters not; just do it and enjoy it.

As for where, well, the bath, a shower, in yoru bedroom or anywhere you can getr enough privacy to enjoy yoruself. Though if you hang with an adventurous group and the subject fo a circle jerk pops up go for it; adds a whole new thrill to it.

I started masturbating when I was 12, and by the time I was 13 I was doing it 3 times a day.
I think the best place to do it is in your bedroom, and if you have a lock on the door, lock it.

masturbate in the kitchen rite infront of ur mom and dad lol no im jk

um in ur room at night or in the bathroom or in the shower

you our of your got a lot of lifes ahead of you need to stop it before you become the way am 11 years

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