.....Pubic Hair???!

Question: Should guys shave their pubic hair??

Answers: Should guys shave their pubic hair??

Some guys do many don't.

Some women may complain because the stubble irritates the mons pubis while having intercourse. It needs to be very smooth.


YES! They have so much thats its gross.

depends on the person,trim it at least then yes

some guys do it as dare or so its cleaner wen they masterbat
i wouldnt though there my presous

hell to the naw!!

I'm weird. I like hair.

Of course they should.

It doesn't make sense to keep up the rest of your body and neglect that part.

Smooth sacks and trimmed pubes are the way to go.

yes i think its very sexy,i get to see more of their penises .

Real men do *NOT* shave their pubic hair! EVER!!!!
Nancy boys do though.

girls like a tall dark handsome man....Chest hair and hair down there is a sign of manliness.....see those Greek sculptures.....razor was not invented back then...even then they showed guys with no hair on their body except the pubic region....whereas females were shown to have none

Some trimming is O.K.

depends if u like hair in your food.

it can make your penis look bigger. but it will be itchy after a day or so. I shaved my bfriend once for fun and he got itchy

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