Gentlemen. how long does it take for your chest hair to grow back after you shav!

Question: Share your experience, thanks

Also how old were you when your chest hair started to grow ?

Answers: Share your experience, thanks

Also how old were you when your chest hair started to grow ?

I shaved a heart into my chest hair about 2 weeks ago. It's now virtually indistinguishable from the rest of my hair, though it is significantly shorter. (My norm is about an inch, the shaved area is about 5/8th)

I started getting chest hair around 12-13, but I had an accident which jump-started puberty a bit. If you're hairy, look for a girl who loves to run her hands through it. And bite you.

i would say it takes a good little while longer then face hair. I think I started getting chest hair around 19-20, but I was always alittle late and face hair was alittle later then some people. I am 26 now

im 16, and fortunately, i dont have chest hair..
some of my friends (18-19 y/o) say that it takes them like 4 days for their chesta hair to grow in after they shave it though.

your get stubble pretty quick waxing is much better lasts weeks ,

to be back to normal length your looking at least a month

A month or two and its back.

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