Does a minor temporal recession in the hair mean you'll go bald?!

Question: I'm 27 and according to my hair doc I've receeded at the temples a little bit but other than that I have a full head of hair in the back

My father had a full head of thick hair and then thinned out and started to bald in his mid 50's. His father had hair and his mother had pattern baldness so he probably got it from his mother. My mom's side all have hair.

Does this small recession at my late 20's mean I will go bald? Can I just recede and not lose hair at the top? Or would it mean I would probably keep most of my hair and thin out like my dad in my 50's? Or would it be a combination of both my mother and my father?

Answers: I'm 27 and according to my hair doc I've receeded at the temples a little bit but other than that I have a full head of hair in the back

My father had a full head of thick hair and then thinned out and started to bald in his mid 50's. His father had hair and his mother had pattern baldness so he probably got it from his mother. My mom's side all have hair.

Does this small recession at my late 20's mean I will go bald? Can I just recede and not lose hair at the top? Or would it mean I would probably keep most of my hair and thin out like my dad in my 50's? Or would it be a combination of both my mother and my father?

probably a combination of both and you come out unique

id say, yes, yuo will lose ALL you hair by the time you turn 28, it happend to me thats JUST what my doctor told me TOO!

Join the club. If you're receding at 27 like I was then in another 10 years you'll have bugger all hair left.

Just bite the bullet and shave.

Welcome to the world of male pattern baldness.

Many of us have really thick hair at the back and sides, but it's pretty skimpy up top.

Start working on your comb-over or embrace your baldness.

A lot of guys are shaving their heads these days just to hide the fact they're going bald. They'll deny it, but it's true.

How bald you get depends on your genes from both sides of your family. Some go completely smooth on top, but even Homer Simpson has up couple of hairs up there.

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