Most embarasing moment with your pants down?!

Question: My friend was having sex with his girlfriend by some garages and after the event he quickly did up his fly only as he was in such a rush and looking about to see if anybody was coming, he trapped his foreskin in the zip of his jeans. He was in such pain he had to go home and get help, but he couldn't tell his parent what he had been doing so said he had a pee on his way home as he couldn't wait and it got stuck then. They had to take him to casualty and they injected him with a big needle down his opening, so it would numb whilst they unleased the skin. eye watering eh boys? Ever done anything worse?

Answers: My friend was having sex with his girlfriend by some garages and after the event he quickly did up his fly only as he was in such a rush and looking about to see if anybody was coming, he trapped his foreskin in the zip of his jeans. He was in such pain he had to go home and get help, but he couldn't tell his parent what he had been doing so said he had a pee on his way home as he couldn't wait and it got stuck then. They had to take him to casualty and they injected him with a big needle down his opening, so it would numb whilst they unleased the skin. eye watering eh boys? Ever done anything worse?

It is a pity you are not a guy. You never know how painful it is.

nope..nothing crazy yet

Are you hoping to get some kind of sick and unusual pleasure out of these answers?

Have you ever noticed how some people will start a tale with 'My friend...' cos theyre too embarrassed to say it was them lol

My mate jeanimus once fell asleep in his living room chair after a night down the pub.
Unfortunately he was half way through an "Art" film and had his kecks and pants round his ankles (as he was intending to pull his tallywacker a bit).
His Mum woke him up the next morning with a cup of Tea!

When i was younger i used to make jumps in my back street for me to attempt on my bike and once it went wrong and i went flying up in the air and landed on the handle bars right on my nutt sack i split the skin on my nutt sack and i could see the testicle inside.Not as bad as your friends accident but i was really freaked out

No not like that but once my trousers were too long (school ones) and I tripped up over the bottom of them in maths and yanked my boxers down, just for a second but luckily I don't think anyone was looking at that moment, Phew!


Once when me and my Husband were having sex, he split his 'guitar string', and when he pulled out the blood was pulsing out. The colour went from his face and he ran to the bathroom, put his c*ck in the sink and turned the water orange with blood. Lovely!

no nuffin as crazy as that- plus im a girl lol but ouchh!

Had the same thing happen with about 2 inches of foreskin zipped in a metal zipper years ago. They didn't inject mine, or numb it. I had to sit in the doctors office waiting to be seen with blood soaked jeans and towel over my lap. He finally took me in and cut the fly out and pulled it apart. It hurt like hell, and i was needless to say a bit embarrassed, but i lived! I can sympathize with this young man easily. Good Luck!

hahah ive done that like yesterday and the day be for that it got caught in the zipper

My friend once tried to pull my pants down in front of other girls and boys in my P.E. Gym Class outdoor in the fields, but I managed to grab my pants and made a quite walk away for it...
thanks for reading,

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