Guys, when did you grow body hair??!

Question: i'm 18 and guys tell me i'm too hairy for my age??? idk, i thought its normal?? i have thick pubes too? most of my friends are still smooth.

Answers: i'm 18 and guys tell me i'm too hairy for my age??? idk, i thought its normal?? i have thick pubes too? most of my friends are still smooth.

your friends are weird.

your normal its ok.

mine grew from 5th-6th grade

I personally began growing leg hair around the age of twelve and by 14 everywhere was in the process. I don't have thick body hair or wide spread body hair by any means, but there is no 'normal'. It's all in your genetics really, body hair growth is part of puberty which is one of the most abstract things of human life. If you are uncomfortable with it, get it waxed. It's not so uncommon for males to do that.

between 12-15

well.. im 16 and ive always wondered why i barely have any hair.. i dunno.. everybody is different and some just grow more hair than others.. i seriously barely havea ny hair anywhere! so i guess you are more normal than what i am so dont worry ok?

mines came in at 13, first under my armpits and then my chesct and face and genitals

im 16 and i actually started growing around the 6 or 7th grade but right now i do have alot of leg hair and i would say average pubic hair and it is thick too but yea everyone has different amount of hair body

Leg, pube and armpit about thirteen, stomach next and then chest and weirdly arms by sixteen I was a really hairy so and so, some of my friends back then were hairy some not it all depends on genetics.

I'm 13 and everyone says that I have really hairy legs! Pubes, yes. Arms yes but they are tiny, and chest and stomach, just starting.

like 12

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