Circumcision and infected penis?!

Question: i had my circumcision 11 days ago. i was worried about an infection that might be occuring on my penis. there is yellow stuff under and around the sides of the swollen areas and i was wondering if this is normal?

Answers: i had my circumcision 11 days ago. i was worried about an infection that might be occuring on my penis. there is yellow stuff under and around the sides of the swollen areas and i was wondering if this is normal?

Nie, had mine done 16 days ago, and it sounds normal to me, pretty gross huh? But I was scared and went to the doc anyway, as should you, but he said it was normal leakage and now everything looks alot better. BUt its probly normal dude, but you should have it checked if your concerned.

That is infection. Call your Dr.

this sounds like a question for your doctor and not random people on yahoo.

u should have had dat **** done @ birth

|Just keep it clean and you will be OK

A Rabbi usualy sucks it clean after circumcision.

call the doc for sure are you Jewish?

this could be sign of infection, you need to make sure that you clean and wash this area everyday. you need to wash this area very good all around and under and even where it is swollen. did you have this done at your family docotr's office or at the hospital.
If you are worried about this and it has been 11 days since you had this done, I would be contacting my doctor and letting them know what is happening and maybe you might have tobe put on an antibiotic for this to clear up completely.
Good luck.

oh gosh no that is not normal it is an infection. I have to be honest with you I do not know much on this topic, but you should go to the doctors tomorrow and he/she will probably put you on an antibiotic. Is it really sore?

As long it's not white, or muddy it's fine. Yellow stuff is OK, that means that your wound is cleaning it self.
good luck and hope you'll enjoy when it heals

the yellow stuff is almost definetly a sign of infection dont worry it can be treatd with a few pills and you be right as rain

what kind of yellow stuff? do you think that it is pus..? well if you are not sure and to my point of view i think it is.. it is better to visit your doctor... here at our country.. after circumcision we wash our thing with organic anti-bacterial solution.. that is our doctor's instructons.. did your doctor told you also to do so... did you do it properly? it is better to clean around it with anti-basterial medications and your doctor knows about it more.... so go to your physician and don't be shy telling about it...

always ask your doctor first what to expect before you get cut....

I remember that my penis was badly swollen after the operation but at eleven days it had mainly subsided
By the sound it it it might be an infection and for peace of mind at least you would be well advised to see your doctor.

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