Besides Marriage, what other Man-made Affliction Causes a Slow, Excruciatingly P!

Question: Being the recording secretary for the committee on standing committees at work.

Any committee work, actually.

Answers: Being the recording secretary for the committee on standing committees at work.

Any committee work, actually.


NOPE, afraid not. That is about the worst kind of death I can imagine. Like I heard once, when you said til death do you are actually setting a goal for yourself.


LOL So what are we women Cancer? Sorry if you see marriage as terminal.


I don't understand how guys don't want marriage if usually they're the ones proposing...?



And now I"m praying for the end of time, to hurry up and arrive.....


bad Friday night?



watching a Jerry Springer marathon

Drinking beer!

Being married to the wrong person.

(((8 Track Mind)))

proofreading, housework, paperwork, addiction to drugs, alcohol and computers, bureaucracy, the country club, urban environment, precription drugs made in China, steroids, fast food, couch potato syndrome, censorship, forced conformity

ANYthing family related. Kids never grow up and go away. They just get bigger and cost more. I'll be damned if I support an able bodied grown child who is capable of working.

Throwing oneself in a pit of ravenous weasels.

Election campaigns?

Listening to the presidential campaigns or any member of the current administration speak.

watching the View
trying to print things or attatch files larger than single word documents to emails
listening to Justin Trousersnake sing

The Bush administration. In addition to killing 4,000 of our troops its destroying our country as well.

Religion - it is responsible for people always looking for something else to satisfy them instead of being happy where they are. That satisfaction, of course, never comes because it is forecast to happen after they die. Thus they spend all their days wanting, craving, dying until they die for real...unfulfilled.

Child rearing? lol

Basically life is a slow excruciating painful death process. Sometimes our attention is stolen away from the pain by our relative perception of how well we are doing in the race? But the pain, the uncertainty stimulus environment brings us back to our sober senses, and if it were not for that, this would be sooooooo boring!

Enjoy the ride of life!

Healing be unto you and yours and me and mine in
Forgive Affirmed Spirit


How about...Drama?

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