Does sex/ejaculation make men physically weaker?!

Question: Is it beneficial to take a vow of celibacy while im trying to gain muscle mass?

Answers: Is it beneficial to take a vow of celibacy while im trying to gain muscle mass?

No, if anything it makes me feel more relaxed and refreshed. Masturbation has nothing to do with building muscle mass.

no but the hormone induces a drug in your brain which will make your sleepy only the time after ejaculation

No it dosen't
If you want to take the vow it's your choice

You lose virility from the body after passing semen from the body, so celibacy will help to contain the energy in your body which you can use toward concentration toward your body building workout.

lhundrup108, that is SO 18th century, you lose nothing but some cells and moisture, and gain some short lived endorphins that make you feel better. Dont go telling people you lose your soul or virility or something, thats just wrong

While it is happing he the man has the strength of Hulk Hogan take my word for it

If he was hooked up to and EEG machine the brain waves would be the same as a man have a grand Mal seizure. How do I know cause if have epilepsy and the EEG teck told me that one time
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no to all the questions

I will say this: I don't think you will be able to focus as well on gaining muscle mass if you are experiencing either excessive sexual tension or pain in your testicles as a result of not ejaculating at all during your bodybuilding efforts. These days individuals who are not planning to become nuns or join the priesthood or a monastery sometimes will still take a vow of celibacy that the aforementioned do for a number of reasons, including getting more in touch with one's spiritual side and saving oneself for relations solely after marriage. Solo action may not be your thing, but let's face it: It is a common thing among males, including those uninvolved with and/or not interested in sexual involvement with others.

No, it doesn't weaken you. There's a very relaxed moment after ejaculation, and it can last for a few hours. It goes away, though.

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