Am i fit look at my picture , i can do 14 pull ups.?!

Question: Chase,

You are better served if you posted this question and picture in the fitness category. The people who participate in that area will not make rude comments and call you names.

Answers: Chase,

You are better served if you posted this question and picture in the fitness category. The people who participate in that area will not make rude comments and call you names.

You must look like Conan the barbarian to gain my approval. BE GONE

yes u look very fit in that pic,you must work out a lot good on you

um who cares?

Just go to school to find your boyfriends....

Whats your question?

I bet i could find that picture on Google Images!

You're probably lying so freakin much right now.

yes hun u r!

Yeah you fit I cant even do one!!!!!!!!!!!!

looks like you are very fit to me

someone wants attention

i am 12 and i can do 14 my muscles are like the same size as yours but i am pretty fit but i only weigh 85 lbs. so your weight does affect the size of your muscles but i think i am better at push ups i can do 68

You can't base whether your fit or not on your bicep. That's retarded. I have a bigger bicep than that and don't really work it out much. And I also have a developing six pack. But it's weird, because I'm starting to get it on the top, but there's still some fat on the lower part of my it's like muscle then fat...kinda weird...need to work the lower part out more...

So anyway, showing your bicep on a pic doesn't get anyone anywhere. Don't try to post anything else, either. If you do, go ask it in the Gay category...cuz I don't think straight guys will want to look at it.

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