Whats the use of a male nipple?!

Question: i just wanna know

Answers: i just wanna know

there is no use to them. Every one is a woman for at least 6 weeks (in the womb), during this time the nipples start to grow but then stop when the Y thing starts working and changes the baby girl into a baby boy!

Twisting for pain or pleasure

THERE FUNNI TO LOOK AT! nah, i dont know its just nature...male dogs have nipples to.....ok mabey i should get to bed

haha. thats great! I'm not sure what to tell you though. I think it is useless- some men however. it is a huge turn on point. It has many nerves- just like lips do. I'm guessing it was made for pleasure.

I've had bfs that enjoyed playing with them during the thing, or bfs that liked them stimulated by me. I think for some guys it's sexual pleasure. For some, probably not.

incredible sexual please i suppose

it's because when the fetus is being formed, the nipples are developed before the penis is. the estrogen is given to the fetus so that the breasts are already formed, and by the time a fetus becomes a male, the nipples are already fully developed. the fetus starts developing all the regular body parts that are a part of either sex even before it develops all the "defining parts". there you go!

hmmm that's a good question.

My nanna has told me about a story in Africa where a family were starving and the mother had died and so the father was left with the baby and let it suck o his nipples.. which somehow through hormones made milk glands...?!!

well really because me can produce milk. and in some cases some men have to breast feed their kids its hard to believe but its true.

Sweet tart has the correct answer.

small metal clips and some electric shock
nipple rings
pull and listen to him scream

purely for aesthetics

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