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Question: I've been with my gf almost 2 years now and we usually have sex about 6-7 times a week (except when she's on her period). Last night I was unable to get erect. It's never happened before and now I'm a little worried it will happen again tonight. Any suggestions? Is this normal?

Answers: I've been with my gf almost 2 years now and we usually have sex about 6-7 times a week (except when she's on her period). Last night I was unable to get erect. It's never happened before and now I'm a little worried it will happen again tonight. Any suggestions? Is this normal?

probably worrying will make it happen again so i would suggest you pretend it never happened and make sure you're eating healthy!

This usually happens because of stress. Is there something bothering you? Maybe you just do it too often. Maybe, your body is telling you something. Try relaxing and watching TV before you get into it so you can relax. Good luck

maybe you are sexually exhausted.

Maybe you are very stress.maybe give yourself time to relax and eat more foods that will make you more aggressive.Also do lots of foreplay....

lol ppl get so paranoid

First of all stop worrying. Every man and I mean every sexually active man on planet earth goes through this. If you worry about it you will start having psychological problems. Just let yourself relax for a while. Sex doesn't have to be routine or structured. Talk to your g/f communication is the key. I'm sure she'll understand. Then when you are ready get back on the saddle and ride away.

This is perfectly common. It happens to almost every guy eventually. Sometimes, drinking alcohol can have this effect or antidepressants. It could also be stress or frequent masturbation.

This important thing is to relax. Try to get an erection by yourself. If you can't, go see your doctor. It could be a physcial problem (which most of the time is correctable) that you are unaware. If you can get an erection, have fun but do not orgasm. Build yourself up. Then invite her to have with you.

I hope this helps,


You been doing it to much i think it is time to take a break like maybe 2-3 times a week...... and does it not get boring and old?

Don't stress about it and it's even better if she doesn't stress about it or it could very easily happen again. Abstain for a couple of days, then go after her again, you should be fine.

Yes. Don't worry about it. It then becomes a psychological thing and only gets worse. It happens sometimes. Let it pass. If you continue having problems see your doctor.

Do you drink a lot of caffeine? One time my man drank like 6 cups of coffee because he wanted to be able to stay up late with me and later that night he couldn't get it up.

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