Do you think it's cool to shave my leg hair in circles?!

Question: so they're got a bare patch and then hair and then a bare patch

Answers: so they're got a bare patch and then hair and then a bare patch

cool dude. shave yoru legs in any patterns you like. you can use interesting designs or even a special someone's initials or whatever you like. nice thing is that unlike tattoos, hair grows back and you can change the artwork to suit your mood or who you are with.

hell yes!! hahaha awesome, send me a photo when you're done!

how lame

Yeah. Maybe. If you are a poodle then it would be cool.

Absolutely...sooo sexy! You should do that to your head, too, and your armpit hair. The ladies will be begging you for your hot bod!

All I can say is what's the point? But if that's what you want, just do what you do? Why ask, you are going to do it anyway?

Duuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WOW....aren't you the coolest!

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