Does exist somebody being a healthy and adult male who don!

Question: I think everybody, specially men over 25 drink alcohol in any way (wine, beer etc) and the only exceptions can be someone sick or very religious. Am I wrong?

Answers: I think everybody, specially men over 25 drink alcohol in any way (wine, beer etc) and the only exceptions can be someone sick or very religious. Am I wrong?

<<---- this guy is very proud to say that he lived in a housing project for 17 years of his younger life! this guy never shot anyone lmao!! shot a few birds and cussed but never with a gun lol! but i am very very proud to say that my dad was an alcoholic my mom was in church or telling us to go to church had a big religious family as well and all there kids are in jail or been in jail.. or in rehab as we speak! i walk through life knowing there is a god but don't or wont fall for the gimmicks of todays church begging and making you feel bad for not giving them your money! i even have a few uncles that claim god "CALLED" them to preach and they don't have phones! <<--- thats the crack head ones lol! no man thats all true but all jokes aside for a minute i am very proud to have been around it all drugs church drunks even worked as a dj in huge night club for 4 years man! and i have "NEVER" taken a drink or even wanted to take a drink of anything to that effect! i do drink my share of cokes and sodas if your a Yankee lol! but i have never ever drank anything with alcohol other than cough syrup prescribed to me that is! and i have never ever wanted to do drugs and i never ever will! i think it takes a bigger man to turn all the above down than it does to take it or turn it up! and the only way i have failed to fall for the antics of todays church or fall for the drugs and alcohol man is this! i see everyone as an enemy who even so much as offers me anything to change my way of thinking! people only give you things to alter your ways of thinking so they can take something from you! and to get you hooked on whatever they got, so that you will buy or sell what they offer..and they hope you get it from them man! <<-- thats drugs and a lil church! i feel as a middle aged male that i walk threw life with god in my heart he made me the great well rounded person i am so he knows me the best and guides me in this life everyday!! i am not a bible beater or psycho man lol actually i am 39 years old and i still get carded at the local mall here in Tennessee because they wont let 18 or under go to the malls here unless your with a parent!! you don't believe me ill share my my space page you can see or guess for yourself lol only in an e mail though not public records lol!! they are some freaks on here be careful lol!! but when people find out my real age there like what the h-e-l-l dude what is your secret lol! i always tell them i am only me lol and that i think it is because i have never drank or done drugs!! but as for anyone who does any of the above your still not bad people unless you don't seek help and get treatment or stop cold turkey because the things i mentioned above reals people in and hooks loads and loads of folks everyday church`s drugs and drinking as well!! i am not a atheist i believe in god but my church is in my heart and soul and i carry it with me if that makes sense to ya man! and as for the drinking and things it makes you feel proud to be able to say ive never drank or any of that stuff!! and anyone who knows what kind of life i came from man they say HOW IN THE HECK!! i had a rough life with 5 brothers and sisters dude and some where killed car wrecks and such as that and really that only made me stronger!! all in all i want to thank you for asking this question as well!! i have never gotten this deep about any of the above with someone! and i hope it doesn't make you think i am weird stupid or have crazy thoughts and think psycho lol! but i hope it will let you know that you don't have to do " anything" you don't choose to unless you are 18 or under! but this lets you stop and take notice to the things in this world around you and no matter what druggers say "no everybody doesn't smoke weed or do drugs" that is there line to get you hooked and make you feel better about doing it! and as for the preachers! well ill step on a few toes saying this but! you don't have to appear in church to get into heaven! you don't have to give your money to anyone you don't buy your way into heaven!! and if you will notice they say they are preaching for god and his will but they all get that pay check and some are larger than you think! and they do it for the money and the more folks they get to visit and come to there church the bigger there checks get! that comes from someone who has 3 uncles and 3 aunts all very religious and the guys 2 was preachers and so was my grand paw! a wise man of the old faith who preached for free and taught me the most important things in my life and that is to pay attention to the things around you! mainly your relatives!! but ill shut up and i thank you again for this question man and i hope that is what you wanted to hear from folks to let you know its ok not to do anything unless you choose to!!

no, my dad used to drink, but he got a DUI and he hasnt drank for over 10 years, he isnt religous either, go's to church maybe twice a year

Not every guy drinks like a fish. But I do know a 50 yr old man that has drank nothing but Busch Lite since his early 30s and he seems to be doing fine.

My gd pa did...yes for real and he's still alive...98 years old.

I'm a healthy adult male and I rarely drink. Mainly because I don't see the point for the most part and I can have just as much fun without alcohol and not risk ever going home with someone who I don't remember when I wake up the next morning.

I would say about 25% of the male population don't ever drink alcohol because either they just don't like it or it doesn't agree with their 'system'.

Another 25% of the male population don't drink alcohol because they don't want to spend the money on it but they relent and usually drink at New Years, the 4th of July and so on.

The other 50% drink at the bowling alley, at the bar on the way home from work, watching TV at home, etc etc.

Note: These percentages are approximate, as if you didn't know!

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