Is it possible to crap from your penis?!

Question: I am completely serious, please do not delete.

Answers: I am completely serious, please do not delete.

YES! If you are experiencing this or someone you know. It is possible that a fistula has formed from the colon. The urinary is a sterile system and if this is happening go to the ER now!

not unless someone goes in and re-routes your plumbing! The last time I read anything about the subject, the urethra was for semen and urine expulsion only.

no this is rubbish who told you that

i don't think so no....

I sure don't think so! No way!

Could you give us more info?

lol, no


I have never heard of this one before and if you are not kidding then you seriously need to get yourself checked out!

LMFAO!!! not last time i **** still comes out my a$$ not my rod

If you have ejaculated in the past, but it has been a while, its possible that your next one would clean out your pipes, so to speak, but if you have anything coming out, it wouldn't be

Why don"t you ask your Dad or your Doctor!

Go Figure!

no and if you are then i suggest that you go to the hospital immediately!!

sounds like to much fiber

NO. That is impossible.

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