How do I shave without breaking out?!

Question: Anytime I shave whether with an electric razor or a manual razor I always break out. and thean a day or two without shaving and my skin clears up. I have tried multiple brands and kinds of razors anybody have any ideas?

Answers: Anytime I shave whether with an electric razor or a manual razor I always break out. and thean a day or two without shaving and my skin clears up. I have tried multiple brands and kinds of razors anybody have any ideas?

OK ...follow these recommendations exactly ...soften your beard in the shower or with a hot towel... then put on plenty of hot shaving gel let it stay on for 3 minutes ... then shave with a Gillette tract 3... shave only with down strokes up strokes... after you finish, rinse you face off thoroughly with water then put on some Alvira with vitamin E lotion.... no electric shavers... . and if you must shave often two or three times a day so as not to let your beard be to long to cut easily.. if you follow these steps i think you well see a marked improvement good luck and don't rush your shave

Use some sort of acne facial cleanser before you shave, this way when you shave, there will be nothing to get into your pores.

If you use a blade try using an electric razor. If you are already doing so, do the same thing but opposite of the first.

iight man ill help u cause im nice...shave once a week....or every 5 days...use gillete fusion and this stuff called edge advanced ultra senstive shaving gel

the reason why ure getting break outs iscause the hair is cut so its in the skin too deep, so the dirt or oil causes it to become a pimple. try being more me i was just like u
now i get maybe one or two pimples each time, but my skin is alot healthier

you probly want to get a nice face scrub and clean before you shave, becuase what happens if you don't is the bacteria is spread around your face and on your razor. its also very close to your pores, so its easier to clog. just start out with a new razor and clean face.

DON'T follow what the first guy said!

if you take that route you could get a skin infection, because of the pores being open.

try different brands of shaving cream or soap at that.

also dont scratch at the area you shaved...thats one of my problem and thats why my face breaks out..

yea i had same problem. i eventually jus started using a sideburn trimmer and started rocking the five o'clock shadow. I have light colored hair so its not to bad. i found one that cuts pretty close with out irritating my skin.

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