My balls itch?!

Question: My balls itch like crazy. I been scratching and the skin peel and it started to bleed. How can i stop!!! Please help you have no idea how painful it is.
FYI: this started around 5 years ago, or when my puberty started. and It comes and go. For example: it would be itchy for 3 months out of whole year and it would go away.

Answers: My balls itch like crazy. I been scratching and the skin peel and it started to bleed. How can i stop!!! Please help you have no idea how painful it is.
FYI: this started around 5 years ago, or when my puberty started. and It comes and go. For example: it would be itchy for 3 months out of whole year and it would go away.

jock itch...get you some antifungal spray

buy some jock itch at Walgreens

Wash them better.

Go see your doctor for advice or wash your balls!

Maybe change your undies too lol

Could be jock itch as well or a sign of uncleanliness lol

ok?? 1 thing called soap use that senative stuff and this is one random question. LOL haha

You should go see a doctor before you scratch yourself to death

Time for anti fungal creams.....

go to the doctor, maybe it's jock itch.

go see a doctor lol get some cream or something...

jock itch, buy some antifungal cream for it

Maybe you have allergies to the soap your using to was your clothing.

bleed is bad, you need a doctor and go to two different doctors you may have a skin disease, sorry.

Scratch 'em.

Sounds like you have some kind of fungus. Wash them regularly and try using antifungal powder. If the itching continues you should probably see a doctor. There might be some kind of medicated cream that would work.

If you are scratching to the point of bleeding you are risking getting an infection.

ummm if i were you I would see a doctor
this could be urgent
and who knows maybe you have crabs or something

maybe you have crabs. try washing them....extensively.

Geez.....haven't you see a doctor for this in 5 years? You'd rather ask Yahoo?????????????????????????????

Lord have mercy! At the very least it could be "jock itch". There are sprays and ointments in any drug store. Run to the nearest one now. Wal Mart is open 24 hours/day.

If they don't help, for goodness sake, see a doc!

I am an RN

Jock itch, also known as tinea cruris, is a fungal infection of the skin in the groin. The warm, moist environment is the perfect place for the fungus to grow. Anything that enhances that environment puts the person at risk of getting jock itch. Therefore, wearing sweaty, wet clothing in the summer time or wearing several layers of clothing in the wintertime causes an increased incidence of jock itch. Men are affected more often than women.

Jock itch is best treated with topical creams or ointments since the fungus only affects the top layer of skin. Many of the antifungal medications require a prescription, but there are three that can be bought over-the-counter (OTC). The OTC antifungals are tolnaftate (Tinactin), clotrimazole (Lotrimin), and miconazole (Micatin). Creams used to treat jock itch should be applied twice a day for at least two weeks. Application can be stopped after the rash has been gone for one week. Creams should be applied to the rash and also at least two finger widths beyond the rash. Many people with jock itch also have athlete's foot and these same creams can be applied to the feet. However, treatment of athlete's foot can take up to four weeks. If the rash is very red and itchy, especially if it has blisters at the edge, a topical steroid such as hydrocortisone can be applied also. Steroids should not be used in the groin alone without consulting a health care provider since steroids alone can make the rash of jock itch much worse.

apply some jock itch meds with a toilet brush

first go to the doctor and see whats up with that it might be jock itch I know that is sufferish

Wear cotton boxers, wash regularly, and treat the fungal infection.

One way that it might stop is if you go see a doctor to see what is wrong.

But it does sound like jock itch.

If the problem occurs during the Winter then there is a high chance it's jock itch.

Scratching will only make it worse.

yeah baby thats jock itch! corn starch after you stay some stuff on there.

Its a serious pain in the butt because im going through pueberty right now. first, i know its hard, but stop scratching. second, wash you balls well in the shower, but dont use a lot of sope or you will dry them out.

it's jock itch,i know how you feel i had it for 4 months last year.try wearing shorts as much as you can and keep your groin area dry.use medicated powder and neosporin anti fungal cream and it should go away in two or three weeks.

Cotton boxers and baggy cotton pants are a real solution 'coz what your jewels need is to be dry, which they can't if you're wearing tight BVDs and synthetic fibers like polyester, microfibers etc.

Give them some air so they can stay dry. Be careful what you wear, many sports clothes are made of artificial fibers that do not allow enough air circulation.

Use sandpaper!

then itch them


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