Ten point to the person who can tell me how to make my braces i just got on stop!

Question: its the bottom row and they hurrrrrrrrt

Answers: its the bottom row and they hurrrrrrrrt

i got my on tuesday. all i can say about them is they suck!!!
take three advil...this is the only thing you can really do for the pain, your teeth are gonna hurt for another three or four days..but after the second day they feel so much better.

go to the dentist and have them adjusted. or drink. Then drink some more.

Motrin. It's about the only thing that works!

ice water and tomato soup don't eat anything not even bread I rermember that feeling don't take advil b/c it stops the teeth from moving and you will have them on longer. I used to just numb it with the ice water constantly.

Advil worked for me.

Take some advil, and eat really soft foods, thats all you can really do

Sorry kid, but It WILL hurt for 2-5 days- I have gone through them too, and they KILL. Use dental wax to protect your gums from the metal barbs and take tylenol. Drink something warm or something with a texture to take your mind off of it. Don't let the cup bump into your teeth!

ugh tel me bout it...wel dissolvable paracetemol dusnt work!or didnt 4 me...grr...i wana shout my fuckin ortho!grr....ah wel...poor u...nd me...srry!lol

Unfortunately, it's just your teeth reacting to the pressure applied against them by the braces. There's no way to make it "stop hurting", unless you had your whole mouth numbed up with Novocaine. However, you can take a pain killer- Ibuprofen usually works well. The pain will eventually subside within a couple of days.

Unfortunately, every time you go to get your braces adjusted, it will hurt like hell for about 48 hours.

use wax or use advil

I had braces nd i just got them off. i suggest that you eat soft foods like soup nd take advil nd other medicines to take away the pain...dont worry it will be gone in like 1-2 weeks

Sorry about that, Tiger. I know the feeling. I made the mistake (well, my parents did) of getting braces the week before we went on vacation, when I was 14. I couldn't eat anything solid for the entire trip! But eventually my mouth adjusted and it stopped hurting.

You might have to experiment with different over-the-counter pain killers to find the one that your body responds to. Meanwhile, try to stick to liquids like soup, pudding and vegetable juice. It does get better, I promise.

I don't think you can do much. It's just because your teeth are adjusting to the braces and being forced in a direction they aren't used to. I dunno what could help, but I know for a fact that in about a week or two it'll go away.

Here is the thing, you cant! I am going through the same problem got them on 2 months ago ( i am 13) and they hurt like HELL!!!! Then as soon as you get used to them they go and tighten them!!! So all you can do is take pain killer and sleep it off.....

Good Luck!

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