Will i grow any taller?!

Question: im 16 5'10 and im wondering if i might grow any taller i want to be 6' do you think there a chance ? lol

Answers: im 16 5'10 and im wondering if i might grow any taller i want to be 6' do you think there a chance ? lol

There's no way to tell. But, what you can do is:

-L-ARGININE SUPPLEMENTS (This amino acid, which your body makes, triggers your body to release human growth hormone...works best when taken on an empty stomach, and asleep)

I wish I'd done all this when I was 16. I'm nearly 20 and only 5'9. Don't get me wrong, 5'10 is a perfectly normal height, if not a bit above average male height. Keep your head up (no pun intended) !

possibly. i wouldnt count on much though

Yes you can still grow

theres still a good chance, you're only 16

give it two more years to start worrying

ehh most people stop by 14 or 15.

Probably not.

if you eat right than just maybe you'll get taller

u need to contact ur doctor on your next checkup. they showed me a chart. i'm 16 too. i don't think i'll grow anymore in height, but possibly in weight. i think u will gain height though, because girls stop growing before guys.

until you're like 20. I think you'll get there. 5 10 is a good height anyhow.

I was the same height when I was your age, now I'm 185cm...that's approx 6 ft.

So yes. Yoga elongates muscle tone, try to get into that however silly that sounds. It's excellent.

i would think so

keep drinking milk and take your vitamins and eat your vegetables and fruit

It is all depends on when you started growing. I was about 5'5 at the age of 17 and am now 6'1 at 19. When did you growth spurt start? If it only started a year or two ago you should still grow a good few inches. Puberty is different for all males, a century ago, most males developed at about the age of 18 like I have, however in todays world this seems to be much earlier for some unknown reason. However it remains the same that development continues till the early twenties, but I cannot really say anything unless I know the age you were when you actually started puberty properly. If you are that concerned go and see your GP and they should be able to work out the height you will grow to if they have recorded your height and weight changes regularly. My paediatrician theorized mine exactly when I was 15. It is not 100% reliable but will be much more reliable then the answers you will get from this over the internet.

If you are a guy then I would say chances are very good you will get taller. Alot of boys don't quit growing until they are 21. Girls however stop growing much earlier.

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