Guys only problem.?!

Question: The tip of my penis is always turned to the right. What can I do fix it?

Answers: The tip of my penis is always turned to the right. What can I do fix it?

It's perfectly natural. Unless it's causing you pain or psychological problems it's best to just try and forget about it.

ummm dude Check that out its probably Forskin or its just made that way --

The Wangle tends to Jangle in one direction or another. It's perfectly natural.

well seriosly i thinks its down to masterbation, to be honest its absultly nothing to worrie about, sounds silly but if you think about it u'll propbably hit spots in a woman not many can right. i've herd it's comman though, saw it in a mag. try using the other hand or somthing never know


theres nothing much you can do to fix it but whatever your doin sex wise or masturbation you should be ok

There isnt really a problem with that. Everybody's different. If you think theres something wrong, contact a doc.

penis lesson #1: Penises come in every size, shape, and color. Don't worry about it. I have a straight penis, but I've heard guys talk about having penises that curve up, down, left, and right. Take it cool, there's nothing to worry about.

i know u said guys only, but come on. that makes girls want to read it more.

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