Eating sperm more than 3 times a day for many years?!

Question: I know the guy who swallows sperm more then 3 times a day every day for more than 30 years. Does anyone know what does it do to his body?

Answers: I know the guy who swallows sperm more then 3 times a day every day for more than 30 years. Does anyone know what does it do to his body?

On some level, it is a form of cannibalism, I would worry about that first off and the rest of these concerns later.

On second thought, I guess, if you must ingest sperm, better to keep it withing the human family than to go with other animals and become a bestiality promoter.

If he really has done this for 30 years, and is alive, I would agree that it is safe. I'd be interested to see his medical records. There may be some clues to the benefits of this practice; if any.

thats disgusting, itll give him alot of energy cuz sperm has glucose but otherwise itll turn him into a homo

I think you can safely assume that if he has been doing that for so long and is still alive and well, that no harm will come to him.

Eewww... thats like the second most disgusting thing i've ever heard and you wont even like to hear whats the first... anyway, dont do it because its just gross. Try to stop it. If he can't he really needs to sort out his issues with a shrink or something...

nuthing can happend it just goes throw your body and come out like anything else.

Are you serious??

Is he eating it from the same person? I am pretty sure the same person couldn't shoot sperm three times a day for 30 years. Normally a person would say he would probably have to get his stomached pumped but since sperm is not toxic that's an old wives tale. Average man shoots about one half to one teaspoons. I don't think sperm is meant to eat so I am sure there would be some type of affect on the body after 30 years of consumption.

lol nice one....really?

it wont get him pregnant

good source of vitamins

makes him big and strong like arnold schwartnegger

WTF?! that's all I can say.

how does he have time for anything else??? and where's he live?

Your male friend is a hog puffer. If he doesn't readily admit that, he's a first-class douchebag.

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