How to clean the penis propley?!

Question: Hi, I'm 18 and this question is kinda embarrassing to ask but it has to be asked.
Now I pull the the head but and I see what are called "smegmas" (spelling) anyway. how do i get rid of this.
What I do is pull the skin back ( i am not circumcised) and move it about in the water to try and get it clean, i cant touch it because its very sensitive, belive me i have tryed. I have heard to wash it gently with soap, but other souces say you cant.

So how do is a easy way of cleaning it without pain? also i dont have to pull the whole skin back do i to the very bottom? just the head right?


Answers: Hi, I'm 18 and this question is kinda embarrassing to ask but it has to be asked.
Now I pull the the head but and I see what are called "smegmas" (spelling) anyway. how do i get rid of this.
What I do is pull the skin back ( i am not circumcised) and move it about in the water to try and get it clean, i cant touch it because its very sensitive, belive me i have tryed. I have heard to wash it gently with soap, but other souces say you cant.

So how do is a easy way of cleaning it without pain? also i dont have to pull the whole skin back do i to the very bottom? just the head right?


Yes, you only need to pull it back to see the entire head. You don't have to pull it down to the shaft. Each time you shower, when you're soaping up your body, you should pull your foreskin with one hand and rub the head with the other. Your head is extremely sensitive because the foreskin keeps it that way, and your head is not used to being rubbed by dry objects (like your fingers and clothes). It's only used to being touched by moist surfaces (such as the inside of a foreskin or a mouth, for example). To get it a bit less sensitive (so you can rub it when you wash) start rubbing it gently and just in certain spots. Eventually after a few weeks it'll desensitize little by little. I went through that when I was younger. In the end you should feel a pleasurable feeling, not discomfort, once it's at the right sensitivity point.

have you gf give u head

you shouldn't be feeling pain afaik. maybe see a doctor?

it might hurt at first but it needs to be clean...seriously =/ but you don't need to pull all the way the first time, no. work your way down.

you can go to a doctor and ask him this. I don;'t think you'll get the best answer here. Go go. It ain't embarrassing, but it's wise. maybe your pain has a more medical reason.

retract the prepuce and clean it with cotton balls with soap and water in a circular motion...

You need to wash your willy everyday. Having a build up of dirt like this is not good obviously. Yes you need to pull your foreskin right back and clean under it. If your foreskin is painful to pull back see a doctor. As areas of your penis are too painful to clean I would see a doctor anyway to check you haven't already got an infection due to poor hygiene. Your penis shouldn't hurt this way

If it is that sensitive that you cannot wash it with a cloth, then you need to see a doctor. It could be jock itch, or a bad infection. Don't try to have sex with it like this, it will probably burn. And if it is jock itch, you can give it to your girl (yeast infection)...Get it checked out, and don't be embarrassed...and then your doctor will describe to you how to properly clean it. But yes, you have to pull the foreskin back all the way and clean the whole head, and rinse.

If you are unsure of how to clean it, you may not have been doing it properly, resulting in the infection.

Sorry i forgot. Ask your father.

Here's an extract from my stretching instructions. They should answer most of your questions. Click on the link below to the full text. You just have to get it over the rim of the glans. The length of the frenulum determines how far it will go down the shaft.
Although some men manage to have reasonably normal sex lives with phimosis there are some disadvantages to having a non-retractable foreskin.
Firstly it is hard to clean and may smell. The body produces a natural, white, cheesy substance called smegma that collects under the foreskin and in the folds of female genitalia. Smegma is a natural lubricant and usually does no harm. But it is susceptible to infections that can cause pain and/or odours. This can be a real turn off for a sexual partner. Infections can also cause pain and eventually scarring of the foreskin.
Secondly having sex with the foreskin forward reduces sexual sensations, especially when wearing a condom as well.
Thirdly many men with tight foreskins complain that sex without a condom is painful as the foreskin may be forced back during sex causing painful over-stretching of the foreskin opening.

You can ask your doctor to prescribe Betamethasone 0.1% or 0.05% ointment. A tiny amount of this ointment can be applied to the tight part of the foreskin, ie. the opening of the foreskin when it is in the forward position. It will speed up the stretching process but won

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