How old should you be to start washing your penis under the foreskin and how?!

Question: ^^ Question and I'm 12 so i don't really know much about this and this is kinda of embarrassing to ask.

Answers: ^^ Question and I'm 12 so i don't really know much about this and this is kinda of embarrassing to ask.

Whether you use a bath or shower, pull back your foreskin and gently rub around the exposed underpart of the foreskin and the glans (head) of the penis. No soap is required. Incorporate this into your daily routine, and it should soon be taking you no more than 30 seconds to complete. When done, pull back the foreskin over the glans. A little gentle stretching of the skin may be needed to get it back to how it was originally.

i started when i was 9 i would pull the skin back and wash it in the bath

ASAP just use soap in the shower like you would any other body part and make sure you pull the foreskin back and get it there too.

now would be good just wash it like any other part.

Don't listen to that other guy about getting circumcised. Circumcision is nothing more that socially acceptible gential mutilation. God put that foreskin there for a reason leave it alone.

Uncircumcised men have far more nerve endings in their penises which basicly means they have better sex.

As for cleaning it there's not a set age, you should clean it whenever you get a shower just like any other body part, but if you're concerned you really should talk to a parent about it.

just pull back gently and wash it

You don't need to get circumcised. If you keep yourself clean all will be well. I was circumcised at birth so don't have this problem. You need to pull back your foreskin & wash thoroughly. If you do this regularly you shouldn't have any problems. All the best for the future. From what I read sex is better (more sensitive head) But you have to decide what is best for you.

clean it as soon as you can pull your foreskin down. its very important you clean it everyday, or every time you shower or take a bath. things can get very nasty if you dont!

as soon as you start showering by yourself you really should clean it. it's just another part of your body theres nothing to be ashamed about but yeah I can certainly understand why you wouldnt ask your parents about this!

It doesnt take long, 5-10 seconds every day in the shower.

do it slowly and be gentle with it only use water at first until you are not getting any stinging feeling ,then it will be ok

your mother should have told you to whash there every day, from the day you where born , its like brusching your teeth, sis man that you do every day, what you saying is that there is 12 years of cheese there , no , sis man

As soon as you are old enough to start thinking about it , then you should be doing it
All you need to do , is when you are in the shower , pull back your foreskin and rub gently with the soapy water.
If your foreskin is still a bit tight , do not force it fully back , again just using the soapy water gently use your finger over the head and manipulate the foreskin around the tip of your penis
Once you have tried a few times you will get the hang of it , the main thing to bear in mind is that you should not force anything , or use any implements as that can be dangerous !!!

like 2 or 3!

It wouldnt hurt for you to start now lovey, i dont see any problems with starting early with self hygeine.


Leave it to mom and give us another Question in about 6 years time!

now but be really careful

dude...just ask your dad to have circumcised it is very neat good looking and clean.

Dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What kinda question is that????How do you wash inside your ears????

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